Wild Zero

  • Guitar Wolf: He himself
  • Drum Wolf: He himself
  • Bass Wolf: He himself
  • Masashi Endō: Ace

Wild Zero is a Japanese Trash Zombie rock'n'roll movie from the year 2000.


After a meteorite fall aliens to the earth and turn people into zombies. A fan of the rock band Guitar Wolf named Ace, who knows nothing of the invasion is to go to a concert of his favorite band in a club a small town.

After the concert breaks behind the scenes between the band and the owner of the club from a dispute; when the owner pulls a gun, Ace inadvertently saves the band. The three band members can escape, and the singers are Ace to reward a whistle: if danger threatened, Ace should just whistle and Guitar Wolf would appear and help him.

The next day, Ace is back on the road to a rock concert - the way he must, however, stop at a gas station where he (again, unintentionally) foiled a robbery. He saves the life of the ( alleged) girl Tobio. Again on the way to the concert meets Ace at zombies, recognizes the danger, turns around and tries Tobio save. Together with Tobio Ace is now trying to get through to Guitar Wolf and the band to stop the attack of the aliens, while developing the relationship between Tobio and Ace.


The lexicon of the International film ruled the film was " just as crude as cheaply produced zombie rock adventure. " He bein consider a " minimalist story."


At the Philadelphia Film Festival 2001, the film won the Audience Award in the category "Best Horror Movie ".


  • The film was made for reasons of cost within three weeks in Thailand. The zombies were played by soldiers of the Thai army. Tobio was played by a Thai actress who was later dubbed by a Japanese actress.
  • The director Tetsuro Takeuchi has also directed all the music videos of Guitar Wolf directed.

DVD information

An FSK 18- DVD has been released in Germany at Rapid Eye Movies. The DVD contains the original Japanese version and the German synchronization. In addition, German and English subtitles as well as the original Japanese trailer for the film are available.
