Wilhelm Arndt

Wilhelm Ferdinand Arndt ( born September 27, 1838 in Lobsens in the province of Posen. † 9-10 January 1895 in Leipzig ) was a German historian and Paläograf.


After attending school in Elbing and Kulm Arndt began in 1858 to study history at the University of Berlin in Leopold von Ranke and moved out after one year at the University of Göttingen to where the seminar by Georg Waitz to visit. In 1861 he received his doctorate in Göttingen on a medieval theme to Dr. phil. summa cum laude and received after the mediation of Waitz a job as editor of the Monumenta Historica Germaniae for which he developed until 1875 on many trips through Europe considerable sources for publication.

Alongside he dealt, if not entirely far-fetched with the paleography and gave the historical auxiliary sciences meaningful writing tablets out, in which the development of the medieval writings were read. This appeared in 1874 in first and 1887 second edition. 1875 Arndt habilitated at the University of Leipzig and was in fact an associate professor. This happened against the resistance of Heinrich Wuttke, who had viewed the focus of Arndt's work in the field of medieval Edition certificates for secondary. However, he only 19 years later, shortly before his sudden death was his appeal to the ordinary chair. That it took so long was due not least to the resistant strains with the Director of the History Department Wilhelm Maurenbrecher.

Arndt was a member of the Leipzig professor club.
