Willem van Enckevoirt

William III. of Enckenvoirt (* 1464 in Mierlo, † July 19, 1534 in Rome) was a cardinal and bishop of Tortosa ( 1523-34 ) and Utrecht ( 1529-34 ); he was descended from the old brabant between needle dynasty of Enckevort ( historical in different spellings ).


Wilhelm was a close friend and confidant of Pope Adrian VI. , Of him taking office to his Datar, and shortly before his death Bishop of Tortosa and cardinal priest of Ss.Giovanni e Paolo (1523-1534) and beyond appointed to his executor. Of its approximately 100 benefices him were almost a third within the pontificate of Hadrian VI. awarded; next country mannschaftlicher connectedness certainly also an expression of isolation within the church of the Pope.


Enckenvoirts gratitude and connectedness on Hadrian's death also witnessed the establishment of a magnificent tomb for his patron in the German National Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima 1523-1533 by Baldassare Peruzzi and his chosen position of his own grave monument ( by Giovanni Mangoni ) in the alcove directly opposite.
