Windach (river)

The Windach between Öbermühlhausen and the Windachspeicher.

The Windach in webs, near the confluence with the Amper.

The Windach is a left tributary of the Amper in the district of Landsberg am Lech in Bavaria, Germany.


The Windach stems from the hilly moraine west of Lake Ammersee in a swampy forest south of Gimmenhausen and flows to Bernadette exuberance in an easterly, then almost parallel to the Ammersee in a northerly direction. After Obermühlhausen it crosses the Windachspeicher and finning. In place Windach the river bends then turn to the east, passes Pommern and Eching and flows north of lands in the Amper - about 600 meters after it has left the Ammersee.


  • Beurer Bach ( right)
  • Schlögl Bach ( left)
  • Rossbach (right)
  • Harre Bach ( left)
  • Saubach (left)
  • Fischbach (left)
  • Schweinach (right)

More info

The average gradient is 6.7 ‰. The mean annual precipitation of 1,100 mm.

Character & environment

Due to the local geological, geographical and meteorological conditions, the Windach has a pronounced torrential. That is, it swells after rainfall sharply. This behavior resulted in the lower reaches of the river from Finning almost every year to floods, flooding the low-lying meadows and damage to the edges of the too narrow riverbed. To prevent further damage was 1961-1964 south of the Finning Windachspeicher applied in a transverse valley with glacial kettle -shaped extension as flood retention basins. Nevertheless, it was in the lower reaches of Windach in the community Eching 1999 and 2000 again to flooding, which is why there laid in 2008-2009 the riverbed of Windach part and a new flood channel was built.

Origin of the name

Windach is as river name first occupied in 1346 as " the Windah pei ," the town of the same name in 1158 as " Windaha ". The name is derived from the Old High German root word aha " water, river, stream ", and a determination word on a participle form of Old High German Wintan " squirm, turn, twirl ," Middle High German wind ' wind, twist " is expected to decline. The name means therefore probably " spiraling flow," which probably is expressed that the windings of this river change frequently strong.
