Winifred Curtis

Winifred Mary Curtis ( born June 15, 1905 in London, † October 14, 2005 in Hobart ) was an Anglo- Australian botanist. Your botanical author abbreviation is " WMCurtis ". The focus of their work was on the Flora of Tasmania. She has numerous plants first described as the best known are often wrongly called " oldest living plant on earth " designated lomatia tasmanica.

From 1920 to 1922 she lived with her family in India. In 1924, she took her degree in natural sciences at University College London and graduated in 1927 with a Bachelor of Science degree. The early 1930s, she worked as a teacher of biology before they emigrated with her parents to Hobart in Tasmania in 1939. She started there at the University of Tasmania to work, initially only a part-time, which is why she casually continued to work as a biology teacher. During this time she wrote the 1948 published "Biology for Australian Students", a textbook that was specifically tailored to Australian conditions.

In 1942, she then moved completely to the university in the following year she began work on the 1956-1994 published in four volumes " Students' Flora of Tasmania ". In 1950, she graduated with the thesis " Studies in experimental taxonomy and variation in Certain Tasmanian plants". Curtis retired in 1966 but remained active from 1967 to 1978, she worked with on "The Endemic Flora of Tasmania ".

Curtis received numerous honors and awards, according to their several plant taxa were identified:

  • Viola hederacea subsp. curtisiae
  • Epilobium curtisiae
  • Epacris curtisiae
  • Winifredia sola


  • Winifred Mary Curtis - 100 years of botanical research, teaching and traveling, Online Exhibition, 2007, Online