Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell

  • John Novak: Djinn
  • A. J. Cook: Diana Collins
  • Tobias Mehler: Greg Janson / St. Michael
  • Jason Connery: Professor Joel Barash
  • Aaron Smolinski: Billy Matthews
  • Emmanuelle Vaugier: Elinor Smith

Wishmaster 3 - The Hell Stone (Original Title: Wishmaster 3: Beyond the Gates of Hell ) is an American horror film and the second sequel to Wes Craven 's Wishmaster. The film was, like its predecessor produced directly for the video market and has been for the DVD Exclusive Award in the category in 2001: nominated for Best Visual Effects. The director Chris Angel staged a year later, the fourth and last part of the film series.


In an old Persian jewelry box archeology student Diana discovers a mysterious red ruby. By opening the bin they ignorantly unleashes a genie of evil. This must meet three requirements in order to then take over the world to be able to its discoverer. The Djinn chases the young archaeologist, looking in at a university a bloodbath. Unexpectedly, however, Diana gets the help of an angel, the two try to save them from the rule of the jinns the world.


" A weak sequel without an atmosphere, which has hardly yet in common with the basic idea of ​​the original something. The horror movie in the college environment is staged at the level of eve television series, if one disregards the bloody special effects and sadisms. The actors seem to have qualified only by her good looks for their stereotyped roles applied. The tension vanishes at the latest when the Archangel Michael appears and the mixture of lack of imagination and lack of budget will be revealed. "

" Spooky nonsense at the University - really unspeakably. [ ... ] Superfluous horror fare for Sleepless "


  • The film is the only one in the series, which is released in Germany after only 16.
  • The entire film was shot in Canada. The University of the scenes were filmed at the University of Manitoba, another location was the administration building of the city.