Word of the year (Germany)

The word of the year was regularly published in Germany in 1971 and since 1977 by the Society for German Language ( GfdS ) in Wiesbaden as linguistic annual review and published in the Journal of the language services since 1978. Since 1991, a non-word is also elected annually; at irregular intervals also a set of the year. Furthermore, since 2008 there is an option to youth word of the year.

Between 1977 and 1999, the German word of the year was however the German language word of the year. But increasingly common words were selected that had a pure reference to Germany, started the other countries of the German-speaking world to choose their own words of the year. In Austria, this is done since 1999, in Liechtenstein since 2002 and in Switzerland since 2003.

In 1999, the prestigious for the 20th century as a particularly significant 100 words of the century were presented in different media.


Word of the Year

Word of the year

The word of the year is determined since 1994 by the jury of " language critical action word of the year " at the University of Frankfurt am Main.

Sentence of the year

Youth Word of the Year

The Youth Word of the Year is selected annually since 2008 by a jury headed by the Langenscheidt Publishing from those youth words that belonged in an Internet poll to fifteen Most elected. Cooperation partner of choice are the Youth Fair YOU, the youth newspaper and magazine Yaez girl. This is intended to be constantly changing youth language are documented. Wolfgang Gaiser by the German Youth Institute says about the choice of youth word of the year: "This has probably more to do with publishing marketing than with social research about what teenagers talk about what young people think with such gimmicks to get attention for publishing products and services. to bind audiences, is a clever marketing ploy .... If fun formulations are lifted, as if they were the language and thought level of youth today, this distorts the picture of the youth of today. "

Anglicism of the year

The anglicism of the Year is selected annually since 2010 by the "Action anglicism of the Year ' proposals, the reader can submit on the website of the action. The winning word has to completely or partially originate from the English, be observable in common usage in the relevant year for the first time and in the eyes of the jury fill an important gap in the German vocabulary. The action will thus contribute to a better understanding of loanwords. She found international recognition.

Most beautiful endangered word

In response to the competition "The most beautiful German word " launched a writer Initiative in December 2006, an international competition for the " most endangered word". Grand prize was the cheese hedgehog, designed by a visual artist Laura Kikauka trophy, as well as property prices, the Random House and the Berlin job had donated German Dictionary of the Brothers Grimm at the Berlin- Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. The jury includes, inter alia, the author Jakob Hein and Eve Manasseh. The aim of the competition was to draw attention to the disappearance of old words from the German language and to create an awareness of language history, explained the initiator Bodo Mrozek: "New and beautiful words will be awarded, but old words have no lobby. " Here, you have to the subject want to get closer to humorous and creative way - " without the beer seriousness of the cultural pessimists ," said Mrozek.

The "most beautiful endangered word" was announced in June 2007: " gem ". The word stands for one thing that was recognizable only at a second glance as something precious of high personal value. Likewise, it behaving with some words, it said in the jury. We have chosen ten words. In second place came to ten, the following terms: blümerant, Dreikäsehoch, refreshment, belly brush, eye star, telephone, cinema, hold, panties. A total of 2982 entries were submitted, including 2000 different words. Most common fried fish has been proposed ( 35 times ), followed by outrageous (28) and summer (20).

The best immigrated word

In 2008, chose a jury at the initiative of the Goethe Institute and the German Language Council towards the word "dub " the best immigrated word in the German language. There were submitted over 3,500 suggestions from Word 42 languages ​​. The initiative was in the German press consistently a positive response. The jury member and the head of Dudenredaktion Matthias Wermke expressed that despite these import words " the German in 50 years [ not ] is significantly different from that of today spoken language. " Complaining about the decline of the German language is as old as the German language itself
