World Hepatitis Day

The World Hepatitis Day aims of the global awareness of the population on the topics of hepatitis B and hepatitis C and encourage prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

An estimated 500 million people worldwide have either hepatitis B or hepatitis C. This means that every 12th person is affected by hepatitis statistically speaking world. The slogan for World Hepatitis Day in 2008 and 2009 was derived from this fact ( Am I Number 12? ). If the disease is not treated, hepatitis B or C can lead to advanced liver cirrhosis and other complications including liver cancer and liver failure. Each year, 1.5 million people either hepatitis B or C.

The World Hepatitis Day was launched by the World Hepatitis Alliance, which 200 patients groups and organizations including "The Hepatitis C Trust" belonging to " European Liver Patient Association " and the " Chinese Foundation for Hepatitis Prevention and Control ". In Germany, the German Leberhilfe organizers of World Hepatitis Day.

In May 2010, the World Health Organization recognized the World Hepatitis Day formally as international health day. According to the corresponding WHO resolution, however, the date changes: Instead of the previous on May 19, the World Hepatitis Day in 2011 will be held on July 28. The new date was chosen in honor of Baruch Samuel Blumberg.
