
The xerophthalmia ( from gr xeros = dry and ophthalmos = eye) is in the Western countries widespread symptom of dehydration of the outer eye.


  • Cornea appears dull and dry
  • Intense itching of the eye


  • Rheumatic diseases (eg, dry eye syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma )
  • Trachoma
  • Lagophthalmos


  • Schirmer test: The Schirmer test the tear secretion is measured by hooking of blotting paper strip into the conjunctival sac.
  • Diagnosis of the underlying disease


Xerosis keratitis

Inflammation of the cornea due to the settlement of xerosis bacteria with formation of viscous mucus.


The keratomalacia is a softening and clouding of the cornea. The keratomalacia can result in severe cases, complete loss of function.


The treatment depends on the underlying disease. Symptomatic can be the lack of tear fluid therapy by replacement fluid.

In one study it was shown that eye drops with anakinra (human interleukin antagonist for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis) can alleviate the xerophthalmia in functional disorders of the meibomian glands. An approval is still pending.

As an off- label use antibiotic eye drops are used with azithromycin today often. The antibiotic acts directly on the epithelium of the meibomian glands and promotes the formation of oily secretion, which keeps the eyes moist.
