Xue Xinran

Xinran Xue ( Xue Xinran薛 欣然; born 1958 in Beijing) is a Chinese journalist and writer.

In the 1980s and 1990s, she worked as a radio journalist in Nanjing. With its mission words in the evening breeze she became famous throughout China and much of Asia. Since 1997 she lives with her ​​husband and son in London, where they have since writes about the life of Chinese women. She also works for the Guardian and founded the charity The Mothers ' Bridge of Love, an organization that cares for Chinese children who were adopted by Western foster parents ( castoff especially in the wake of China's one-child policy, girls).


  • Hidden Voices - Chinese women tell their fate
  • Sky Burial - The story of a great love (novel, 2004)
  • The unnamed daughters (novel)
  • Rescued words - Travel to China's Lost Generation ( 2008)
  • Chinese do not play Mao Mao - stories from my country (collected Guardian columns, 2008)
  • Clouds Daughters (2011)