Yanai (Payetan)

Jannaeus (also: Jannaj, Hebrew יניי ) was one of the oldest Jewish liturgical poet known by name ( Paitanim ), whose seals were found partly in the Geniza of Cairo again.

He lived in Palestine, its life time is different (at least 300, at least after 700 ), where a later date ( after 500 ) is most likely.

Jannai created generically, stylistically and technically ( rhyme, strophic ) the basis for the classic Pijjut and noted as the first his authorship by Namensakrostichon. As a genre dominated with him Qerobah ( poetic embellishment of Schmone essre ) or Qeduschta ( special form of Qerobah ). Yannai is the first poet who wrote Qerobot, and indeed to all sections of the Week three-year harvest cycle. His language is still raw and unpolished, often content goes further on the Halacha.

The many he has received poetic pieces were distributed under the name Machsor Jannaj.


  • Machsor Jannaj, ed Israel Davidson, New York, 1919.
  • The Liturgical Poems of Rabbi Yannai accor ding to the Triennial Cycle of the Pentateuch and the Holidays. by Zvi Meir Rabinovitz. 2 Vols. Jerusalem 1985/87.