Yellow Emperor

Huang Di (Chinese黄帝/黄帝) - the Yellow Emperor - is the mythical emperor, who is said to have stood at the beginning of the Chinese culture.


Huang Di is expected in a group of Chinese Urkaiser, it belongs to the group of five emperors and is from 2696 - reigned 2598 BC, but originally Huang Di is a divine and mythical figure who was a historical record only during the Zhou period.

He is one of the most important figures in Chinese mythology. Originally a god of war, who played a smaller role in the early traditions, he walked then, however, the high god and enlightened immortals of Daoism. He is depicted as conquerors, judges, immortal, god of the world Mount Kunlun and the center of the earth.

From his birth is reported, his mother had become pregnant by lightning in the night sky, and after 20 years, pregnancy Huang Di was born. He is said to have spoken immediately.

The wife of Huang Di is Lei Zu (嫘 祖that Donnerahnin '); his daughter is Niuba the dryness. It also reports of a fight between Huang Di and Yan Di and his brother from a flood unleashed by a monster that defeated Huang Di. Similarly, it is reported, Huang Di was able to be produced from the skin of Kui, a mythical being, the rain, wind and drought, a drum made ​​.

The Taoists said after him, to have the book " The Medicine of the Yellow Emperor " (黄帝内经/黄帝内经, Huangdi Neijing ) written. The Huangdi Neijing contained the then- knowledge of acupuncture, acupressure and other parts of the traditional Chinese medicine. This work includes a collection of 81 essays, which are summarized in two books - the Su Wen - Questions organic and fundamental nature - and the Ling Shu - "Divine hub ", with more technical aspects of acupuncture. In the former, dialogues of the Yellow Emperor found with the scholars of his court, where he discussed the questions on the physiology, morphology, pathology, diagnosis and disease prevention. In the Ling Shu, the clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion, as well as the location of acupuncture points and meridians is described.

In the main work to turn ideas from both Daoism and from Confucianism find. Today, the book is considered a compilation dating from around 300 BC
