
Drag Yerpa ( Tib: brag yer pa Chinese叶 巴 寺, Pinyin Yeba si or耶巴 寺) is a returning up to the 7th century rock monastery of Tibetan Buddhism.

The caves of the monastery located near the village Yerpa at the foot of the mountain Yerpa Lhari ( Tib: yer pa lha ri; Chinese:叶 巴山Yeba Shan ), about 30 km northeast of Lhasa in a circle Tagtse Dzong. It is considered one of the holiest caves in this region. Many famous people have lingered here - including Songtsen Gampo of the Yarlung Dynasty, Padmasambhava, Atisha, Vairocana and Gendun Gyatsho - and contributed to the great holiness of the place.

The monastery is on the list of monuments of Tibet Autonomous Region.
