Yersinella raymondi

Small Bush Cricket ( Yersinella Raymondi )

The Little Bush Cricket ( Yersinella Raymondi or Yersinella raymondii ) is a long horned grasshopper of the subfamily of Tettigoniinae within the superfamily of katydids.


The Small Strauchschrecke similar in physique and in the coloring of the dainty Strauchschrecke, but is built stronger and much smaller. Because of their small size of only 12 to 16 millimeters, and the barely visible wings it is often thought of as a larva of another grasshopper. Your abdomen is long and thick, the pronotum is flattened and extended to the rear. The lower legs of all pairs of legs wearing short thin spines, with the front pair of legs are longer. The basic color is gray-brown. About the sides of the body depending attracts a broad, dark gray or dark brown band from the sensors on the thorax to the abdomen and the tip, but it dissolves there sometimes in small patches on or blurred. Just behind the eye, it is interrupted by a bright slash. The body top is light gray or light brown colored and bounded by two longitudinal lines from the sharp dark band. The pronotum lateral lobes are wide margins whitish or yellowish. The legs are spotted brown and have dark spots on the joints. The dark brown compound eyes wearing a dark dot in the middle. The cerci of the male are slightly flattened and have no inner tooth as opposed to dainty Strauchschrecke on. The female has a distinctly curved ovipositor.

Lifestyle and dissemination

The Small Strauchschrecke can be found on bushes and also on low herbaceous plants. It inhabits thickets, forest edges, and open landscapes with lots of vegetation. Their range extends from southern France through Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia to Greece. In the north it extends to the canton of Ticino in Switzerland and South Tyrol. An isolated occurrence is found in Sardinia. It is quite common. They lack both in Austria and in Germany. The adults occur from July to September.


The Small Strauchschrecke was originally described by Yersin under the scientific name Pterolepis Raymondi. She was later placed in the genus Ante Rastes and was accordingly Ante Rastes Raymondi. The style emerged in the literature in 1933 for the first time in the genus Yersinella. A widely used and is still used synonym is Yersinella raymondii. Other synonyms are Thamnotrizon dorsatus and Rhacocleis dorsata.

