Young Ottomans

The young or New Ottomans ( Turkish Genç Osmanlılar or Yeni Osmanlılar ) were a secret organization founded in 1865 in the Ottoman Empire.

Influenced by nationalism as well as liberalism propagated their members, including high government officials, a constitutional form of government. In 1867, fled some leading members, such as Namik Kemal, Ziya Pasha and Ali Suavi, the Western European exile to escape the threat of sanctions from the government. To spread its opinion on, they published in London and Paris, the magazines muhbir and Hürriyet. Due to increasing disagreement, the organization ultimately disbanded. After the death of Mehmed Emin Ali Pasha and their amnesty most exiles returned in 1871 and took over state agencies.

At the line of Jung Ottomans knüpften a generation later to the Young Turks. As the Young Ottomans, it was the Young Turks about saving the Ottoman Empire before the fall. Both movements saw the solution to this is to introduce constitutionalism and equivalent to all minorities before the law.
