Young Vienna

Jung-Wien is a group of Viennese authors in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, acted as their spokesman Hermann Bahr and pioneered the development away from naturalism towards the aestheticism - and thus to literary modernism - goods transported. The most important organ of the group was Bahrs weekly Die Zeit.

The group was formed in 1891 out, with the founding by Bahr is a mystification. Meeting of the group was the Griensteidl where young authors such as Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Arthur Schnitzler, Peter Altenberg and Felix Salten met. Bahr worked in equal measure as a mentor and as an agent of foreign literature. His contacts with publishers and magazines he used to promote young and unknown authors.

Although younger, more modern writers - most clearly Karl Kraus - soon distanced themselves to the group, it stimulated quite significantly the emergence of literary modernism in Austria and beyond the German -speaking world. Important writers of the early 20th century, such as Robert Musil, Joseph Roth and Odon von Horvath were significantly influenced by Jung-Wien.

Members of the group or environment

  • Peter Altenberg
  • Leopold von Andrian
  • Raoul Auerheimer
  • Hermann Bahr
  • Richard Beer -Hofmann
  • Felix Dormann
  • Paul Goldmann
  • Hugo von Hofmannsthal
  • Karl Kraus
  • Anton Lindner
  • Felix Salten
  • Arthur Schnitzler
  • Richard Specht
  • Jakob Wassermann
  • Stefan Zweig