Yuzhno-Russkoye field

67.28055555555675.866666666667Koordinaten: 67 ° 16 ' 50 "N, 75 ° 52' 0" E

Yuzhno- Russkoje (literally " South Russian " Russian Южно - Русское, English Yuzhno- Russkoye ) is the name of the described in Siberia in the Autonomous District of the Yamal -Nenets gas fields with a total volume of about 700 billion cubic meters. From the acquired there for probably 1 billion euro concession Wintershall holds a 25 % minus one share ( 10% of non-voting shares) and E.ON 25 % minus one share; Main concessionaire is Gazprom.

The supply of natural gas on the North European gas pipeline "Nord Stream" to Western Europe with up to 25 billion cubic meters of gas per year starting in 2011.
