Zdeněk Lev of Rožmitál

Zdeniek Lev of Rosental ( Czech Zdeněk Lev z Rožmitálu ) (* 1470, † July 14, 1535 ), was a member of the Bohemian Mr. Booth. He held the posts of colonel country judge and the Colonel Viscount to Prague.

He came from the Bohemian noble family Lev of Rosental and was in the days of kings Vladislav II and Louis II one of the most influential personalities in the country.

His father Jaroslav Lev of Rosental was a brother of King George of Podiebrad. Zdeniek belonged to the Catholic party in Bohemia Mr. Booth. Even as a 26- year-old he participated in public negotiations with the Hungarian king part. From 1498 to 1504 he was Viscount of Karlstejn, 1504, he was appointed to the Supreme Judge and 1507 finally appointed as Colonel Viscount.

In this position, he led the kingdom, because the Jagiellonenherrscher talked most of the time in Hungary. He represented mainly interests of the Catholic stand. His aim was to expand the rights and privileges at the expense of other items. In character he was accused of by his opponents properties such as deceit, injustice and cruelty. As administrator of the royal wealth still came the accusation of avarice. However, historians refer to him as a righteous man who is especially demanded decent job of his officials.

1519, the first method was opened when he accused his opponents of embezzling state funds against him. In 1523 he was finally forced to resign from the office of viscount. However, his successor, held by only two years, and in 1525 was appointed Zdeniek back to the office, which also benefited from his friends, who were also raised to high office. In the meantime, grew the number of his enemies and from the camp of the Catholics, above all, the Rosenbergs, where he made the inheritance dispute Krumlov.

As the end of the Jagiellon dynasty came with the death of Ludwig II, Zdeniek was one of the possible candidates for the election of a king. But soon it became apparent that the estates favored the Habsburg Ferdinand of Austria. And Rosental was probably too old for the election of the king. He then made his influence in the election of Ferdinand as King of Bohemia submitted. However, while he was able to exert great influence over its predecessor, Ferdinand did not affect him. In 1528, he had the second time to leave office and employed since this time only with the administration of his possessions platters, Rosental, Wellartitz, Klenau, Opálkou, Lissa, Wemschen, Drohnitz, Zdechovice, Ryzemburk, Skály and Poděbra.

At the same time melted his large fortune through his for his needs large yard and numerous festivals. Only respect for his power kept the creditors at bay. After his death, his legacy has been completely offset by debts.

Zdeniek was married to Catherine of Svihovska Ryzemberk († 1540). He left a daughter, Anna († 1563), who married Adam I. Neuhaus, who died in 1531 of the plague. His sons Adam and Zdeniek could not repay the accumulated debt. The claims of creditors bought on Florian Griespek of Griespach 1550 and thus became Lord of Rosental. The Rosental then moved to Moravia.
