
As Zebroide hybrids from crosses between zebra and other animals of the equidae are called. For practical reasons (easier rearing ) while the zebra is used mostly as a father.

Zorse ( portmanteau word of zebra and horse), is specifically cross between horse and zebra, which usually has a greater resemblance to a horse than a zebra. Zorses own hologram-like strips that seem to change shape depending on the angle and time of day.

A cross between a zebra and donkey is as Zebrule (of zebra and mule ), Zedonk, Zebdonk or Zonkey ( zebra and donkey ) or Germanized called Zesel or Zebresel. This follows the pattern that in hybrids the father is mentioned first. Foal of a zebra mare are - because of the aggressive mating behavior of zebras - still much less likely than those of a donkey mare and will be called Ebra. As a wild animal the donkey - zebra hybrid comes in South Africa isolated in places before where zebras and donkeys live in close proximity.

Like most hybrids of different types, such as mules and donkeys, too Zebroide are usually not capable of reproduction, since the chromosome numbers of the parents do not match.

The first successful crossing of zebra and horse Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov succeeded in Russia.




Zesel in South Africa
