
Cell stream in the valley Zellerfelder

Origin of the name

Presumably there is a parallel to this monastery Cella, which to be from the Middle Ages to the cell stream. The cell stream should have been but were called by the ancient traditions Hornbach. Thus we find in a document from the 16th century, the phrase " cell Bach, is so called Hornbach ".


The cell stream rises to about 605 m above sea level. NN in the Upper Harz southeast of Clausthal- Zellerfeld just off route 242 The area of ​​the source is also called Hirschler Brink and is located just one kilometer northeast of Innerstequelle. After a few hundred meters of the cell stream is dammed together with some other unnamed spring-fed streams in Hirschler pond, a dam of the Upper Harz Water Regale, which significantly influenced the cell stream over its entire length. Here the water is now used for drinking water.

After passing through the Hirschler pond the water of the cell stream flows into the Upper Peacock Pond, from there to the Middle Peacock Pond, from there to the Lower Peacock Pond. All these facilities are part of the Upper Harz Water Regale and are now mainly operated on the grounds of monuments and nature protection,. The flow direction of the cell stream goes here in the west.

The bottom outlet of the Lower peacock pond is always slightly open, thereby ensuring that always leads beneath riverbed in a few liters of water. From here, the cell stream continues in a north-westerly direction to the eastern city of Clausthal- Zellerfeld Clausthal part of the town. Intensive mining activities of the past centuries, but also land extensions in the 20th century, causing the cell stream is there piped to a large extent or out in a tunnel under reclaimed land. Since this piping has not been adequately dimensioned for part, he 's always had problems with flooding.

In the city of Clausthal is added as a significant inflow from the right Eschenbach, has been greatly changed as the cell stream by mining activities and has also been dammed up by several Upper Harz Ponds. At the site of the confluence there is also a derivation by a Oberharzer ditch, the Bremen Higher ditch which at low water a large portion of the effluent derived here.

On the flow path between the Lower Peacock Pond and the old train station of the cell stream is still known by many residents Hornbach.

In the area of today's gyro direction of flow bends to the west. Here, the cell stream is a few hundred meters down the boundary between the formerly independent towns of Clausthal and Zellerfeld. After passing the old station of the cell stream runs permanently as open watercourses. A partial flow is not initiated at this point as a bypass in the owls Spiegler pond. West of the owls Spiegler pond bends the direction of flow from the southwest and the cell Bach still takes some smaller tributaries from the area of the mine ponds and pond on Carler.

The cell stream by now flows in a southwesterly direction the Zellerfelder valley. At this point, it is bordered on the left by a Pochsandhalde from mining on the right side by the county road K 37. In addition, there is a discharge in the fourth Pochgraben, today experiences a use for power generation. In the area of ​​Zellerfelder valley and below, the cell stream on one for the district of Goslar exceptionally high water quality.

As a further influx is below the Zellerfelder valley nor a stream from the Great Clausthal mentioned, which is also run that far underground to a great extent.

Between Franken scratching hut and Silbernaal the cell stream flows in the core. It is at this point actually the relatively water-rich river.

Water and Geology

The cell stream has already changed a few hundred meters below the source massively by mining and settlement activities. But in the area of ​​Zellerfelder Tales he has water quality class I - II from.

With the Upper Harz mining activities, in particular through the neighborhood to be included among the more contaminated stockpiles from mining and smelting, the cell stream to significantly increased levels of heavy metals in the parameters of zinc, lead, cadmium and copper.

The geology of the catchment area is otherwise dominated by the resin typical alternation of shale and greywacke.
