Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

Zurich style ( Zurich German Zuri- Gschnätzlets, outside of Switzerland and Zurich style, French Emincé de veau à la zurichoise or Emincé zurichoise ) is a short sauteed ragout of veal in cream sauce.

While recipes for sliced ​​veal were common in the 19th century in the Alpine region, the Zurich Geschnetzelte was first mentioned in a 1947 cookbook. In this it is described as made ​​of veal, white wine, cream and meat sauce. Today, variants with mushrooms and veal kidneys are common. It is a typical dish of the Zurich regional cuisine. Very classic but it is always made ​​with veal kidneys and veal.

To prepare to slice veal and, where appropriate, veal kidneys across the grain into small, thin slices, fry them over high heat briefly in butter with chopped onions, takes them out of the pan and makes them warm. The gravy is quenched with white wine, cream and demi-glace or veal stock, and the sauce einreduziert. Typical condiments are salt, pepper, paprika and lemon juice. The meat is now added to the hot, but not boiling, and heated sauce. In stewed mushroom slices are given as a garnish.

Currently the default is recommended to fry the mushrooms with the onions, and prepare the sauce on this basis. During the period of its existence, the formulation of the Zurich shredded was changed often. Here vary the ingredients and their composition, while the basic ingredients veal, cream and white wine have as basic constituents. When Zurich style, therefore, the addition of a mushroom cream sauce is referred to a court, which type of meat and compilation is arbitrary.

In Switzerland, rösti is the Zurich shredded typically served, widespread are also pasta and rice, as well as mashed potatoes is recommended as a supplement.
