Zymen Danseker

Simon de Danser (* around 1579 in Dordrecht, † 1611 in Algiers, also known as cymes Danseker, Siemen Danzig and Simon Simonszoon ) was a Dutch privateer and corsair 17th century. His last name is also written Danziker, Dansker, or Danser.

Danser and the English pirate Jack Ward were the two most famous renegades who operated during the 17th century along the Barbary States. Both are said to have commanded squadrons in Algeria and Tunisia, equal to their European counterparts; this presented an impressive naval force is (similar to Baba Arudsch and Khair ad-Din Barbarossa in the century before).

It is believed that he Turks and Moors in 1601 already taught how to deal with sailing ships passing through the Strait of Gibraltar.
