1508 in art

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  • The new building of 1505 spent Fondaco dei Tedeschi on the Grand Canal in Venice on a design by Giovanni Giocondo under the supervision of Antonio Abbondi is completed. The frescoes on the facade of the office German traders come from Titian and Giorgione.
  • Donato Bramante begins with the establishment of the Palazzo Caprini in the Borgo district of Rome. The building is used for template numerous palaces of the 16th century.
  • Baldassare Peruzzi begins with the construction of the Villa Farnesina in Trastevere district of Rome.


  • February 21: The bronze statue made ​​by Michelangelo Pope Julius II is installed in its place above the portal of the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna.


  • February 21: Michelangelo does not arise in Bologna the bronze statue of Pope Julius II finished and will be called back from this then back to Rome, but, as he takes to complete the tomb of the Pope, but imagine the Sistine Chapel, an endeavor that Michelangelo takes only tentative and little enthusiasm.
  • Raphael begins by order of Pope Julius II to work on the Stanza della Segnatura.

Albrecht Dürer made ​​as a sketch for the Heller Altar of his most famous works: Praying hands.

  • Albrecht Dürer painted the Martyrdom of ten thousand Christians.
  • Albrecht Altdorfer starts working on Sebastian altar of the Abbey of St. Florian near Linz.
  • Quentin Massys begins on behalf of the carpenters ' guild for the cathedral his new home city of Antwerp with the work of The Lamentation of Christ.
  • 1508: Giorgione is awarded the contract for the painting The Tempest.
  • 1507/1508: Raphael paints the Madonna Colonna.



  • SEPTEMBER 27: Simone del Pollaiuolo, Italian architect of the Renaissance ( * 1457 )