316 BC

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Year of the Wood Snake乙巳( at the beginning of the year, Wood Dragon甲辰)


Politics and World Affairs

Empire of Alexander the Great

  • Cassander returns from the Peloponnese with his army to Macedonia, where he besieged and conquered Pydna. Olympias of Epirus, which has come in the last year of Epirus from Macedonia and made ​​by him the rule in dispute, it can kill. Roxane and Alexander IV Aigos he keeps her in Amphipolis. Polyperchon manages to escape by Aetolia.
  • Battle of Paraitakene ( in Persia ): The armies of Eumenes and Antigonus provide an indecisive battle in the war elephants also be used.
  • Battle of Gabiene the armies of Eumenes and Antigonus provide again a pending battle. A little later, however, Eumenes is delivered by the private army of Antigonus, which can kill him.
  • The Macedonian Diadoche Cassander founded the city named after him Kassandreia at the site of the old Potidaia on the Halkidiki peninsula. He married Thessalonike, a half-sister of Alexander the Great and leaves the city of Thebes again erect.

Western Mediterranean

  • After several years of the armistice the Romans fighting the Samnites take in the Second Samnitenkrieg again. The Romans under Lucius Aemilius their dictator defeat the Samnites in the city Saticula. In contrast, Nucera and Nola stand on the side of the Samnites.

Imperial China

  • Time of the Warring States: The State of Qin succeeded the conquest of Sichuan.


  • The comedy of the poet Menander Dyskolos will be premiered at the Lenaea and won first prize.


  • By 316 BC: Arsinoe II, Queen of Thrace and regent of Egypt ( † 270 BC)
  • 316/315 BC: Arcesilaus, Greek philosopher († 241/40 BC)


  • Olympias of Epirus, mother of Alexander the Great
  • Eumenes commander under Alexander and during the Diadochenkriege (* 362/61 BC)
  • Peithon, Macedonian bodyguard ( * ca 355 BC).