320 BC

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Year of the Metal Ox辛丑( at the beginning of the year metal rat庚子)


Politics and World Affairs


  • End of the First Diadochenkrieges.
  • Redistribution of power among the Diadochi in the Conference of Triparadeisos (Syria ) [ especially in the earlier research in the year 321 BC dated ]. Seleucus I, previously commander of the Hetairen is rewarded for his participation in the victory over Perdiccas with Babylonia and the Persian East. Regent for King Philip III. Arrhidaios is now Antipater instead of Perdiccas. Antigonus is in charge of the campaign against Eumenes, who had to withdraw in the Cappadocian stronghold Nora.


  • The Samnites make peace with the city of Taranto. You also win the strategically important ally of Rome Luceria in Puglia. In Luceria but the Romans succeeded shortly after a victory over the Samnite army, which is led by the Romans under the yoke.


  • Shen Zhou Jing Wang becomes king of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in China. He can barely enforce against the rulers of the powerful vassal states.




  • Perdiccas, regent of Alexander the Great, is murdered
  • Anaxarch, Greek philosopher (c. 360 BC )
  • Year ( 4th century BC)
  • 320 BC