319 BC

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Year of the Water Tiger壬寅( at the beginning of the year metal buffalo辛丑)


Politics and World Affairs

Empire of Alexander the Great

  • Spring: Antigonus, commissioned by the Diadochi with the fight against Eumenes, triumphs over these in southern Asia Minor, after Eumenes leaves the fortress Nora and collects in the eastern satrapies new troops and allies.
  • Summer: death of the Macedonian regent Antipater. This had to be his successor in the office of regent for the insane King Philip III. Arrhidaios his confidant Polyperchon determined. Antipater's son Cassander feels ignored. Since Antigonus in Asia Minor and Ptolemy in Egypt Polyperchon refuse the recognition, but this is allied with Eumenes, it comes to the Second Diadochenkrieg, the BC will last until 316. Ptolemy I. attacks Phoenicia and Syria. Polyperchon trying to win the Greek cities for himself by proclaiming their freedom. This is mainly aimed against Nicanor, the generals of Cassander, who controlled Athens about the Macedonian garrison stationed in nearby Munychia.

Western Mediterranean

  • Rome wins Luceria by the Samnites back. Also Satricum is conquered by the Romans.

Imperial China

  • The Confucian Mengzi starts his job as a civil servant in the state of Qi.


  • By 319 BC: Antigonus II Gonatas, king of Macedonia († 239 BC)
  • 319/318 BC: Pyrrhus I, King of Epirus († 272 BC)


  • Summer: Antipater, regent of Alexander's empire (* 398 BC)
  • Alcetes, Diadoche, younger brother of Perdiccas