Australasian ecozone

The Australis is a biogeographic region and provides both a floral kingdom as a Faunenreich dar.

As floral kingdom it includes only the Australian mainland and Tasmania ( for more information see the flora and vegetation of Australia ).

Floral kingdom

Characteristic Flore elements of Australis are found in the families of Kasuarinengewächse ( Casuarinaceae ), the pen cup plants ( Goodeniaceae ), the grass tree plants ( Xanthorrhoeaceae ), the Myoporaceae and Stylidiaceae and the Australian heath plants ( Styphelioideae ), which have long been managed as a separate family of Stypheliodaceae and after recent studies on the heather family ( Ericaceae ), and more of the genus Brunonia, which was formerly found in the monotypic family of Brunoniaceae and is now classified in the pen cup growths. Characteristic species are the acacia (Acacia ), the banksia ( Banksia ) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus ).


Characteristic representatives of Faunenreichs are the lungfish Neoceratodus and the tuatara Sphenodon; among birds the cassowaries, emus, Megapodes, kiwis, shrikes crows, birds of paradise, honey eaters, cloth birds, bowerbirds and cockatoos; among mammals especially the monotremes with platypuses and echidnas, and the marsupial (especially Beutelmulle, ants Beutler, kangaroos and Quoll ).

The Australis is divided into three sub-regions:

  • The Australian continental subregion includes Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea.
  • The New Zealand sub-region includes New Zealand and the offshore islands.
  • The Polynesian subregion comprises Polynesia.


  • H. J. Müller: ecology. 2nd edition, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1991, pp. 132ff. ISBN 3-334-00398-1
  • P. Sitte, EW Weiler, JW Kadereit, A. Bresinsky, C. Körner: Strasburger - textbook of botany for colleges. 35th edition, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2002, pp. 986, ISBN 3-8274-1010- X
  • H. Walter, S.-W. Breckle: ecology of the earth. Volume 1: Fundamentals. 2nd edition, Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart, 1991, pp. 11f. ISBN 3-437-20454-8
  • Biogeographic region

Pictures of Australasian ecozone
