Basic income

The Unconditional Basic Income ( UBI ) is a social financial transfer concept, according to which every citizen - regardless of its economic situation - a statutory and for every same - paid by the government - a government grant obtained without the need to give something in return ( transfer payments ). It is most often discussed in the financial transfer models as a financial performance that would guarantee a livelihood without any further income or conditional social assistance.

The idea to involve every member of society to the total income of that company without a means test, is a global phenomenon, with the name of the idea from country to country and at different times is different. Consequently, the proposal is discussed for example in the United States primarily under the name Basic Income Guarantee (BIG), a pilot project in Namibia called him a Basic Income Grant (BIG), in the Soviet Union he was гарантированный минимум ( Guaranteed Minimum ), and in the 1920s, there was talk in Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand of Social Credit. Other names in the German-speaking area are for example: social dividend, guaranteed income, which under the name of civil money more conditions are included.

Among the discussed models in Germany a BGE for example, include the solidarity citizen's income ( Althaus model), the Ulm model or the model of the initiative Unternimm founded by Götz Werner the future. A similar approach is going back to Milton Friedman negative income tax. In Switzerland, the initiative basic income developed a model of the implementation of a BGE. Not to be confused with the BGE is the model of "liberal citizens money " whose payoff is conditional.

  • 3.1 Taxation of income
  • 3.2 Taxation of consumption
  • 5.1 Cuba
  • 5.2 Brazil
  • 5.3 Canada
  • 5.4 Alaska
  • 5.5 Namibia
  • 5.6 India
  • 5.7 Mongolia
  • 5.8 Germany
  • 5.9 Europe
  • 7.1 Germany
  • 7.2 Austria
  • 7.3 Switzerland
  • 7.4 Luxembourg
  • 7.5 Spain
  • 7.6 Iran
  • 7.7 France
  • 8.1 Modern Times
  • 8.2 20th century
  • 8.3 Implementation trials

General approach

The concept of BGE provides a grant for everyone. There would be no risk of social administrative means test, nor would required a willingness to work. On the other hand, accounts for all general taxes and charges funded social benefits such as unemployment benefits, social assistance or child benefit. The extent to which particular social need is accounted for separately, is provided differently in the various models.

Another form of civil money is the negative income tax, which is available in the U.S. Earned Income Tax Credit, and the United Kingdom ( Working Families Tax Credit ) and goes back to a suggestion by Milton Friedman in 1962. The negative income tax can be just like the BGE are designed so that the willingness to accept a job offered suffers with higher social transfers. The BGE is different from a state-run basic backup that is paid only if no other sufficient income is available, and which is connected to a means test.

In Germany it is suggested depending on the model, a payment of welfare benefits or unemployment benefits to a payment of 1,500 euros per month. However, a BGE may also be below the subsistence level. Needs -tested benefits may then increase this power to ensure the subsistence level.

If you also like to BGE have more income, this could still earn ( by employment ). If these employment income does not count towards the BGE, are earned income and basic income - unlike the previous system - not in competition with each other. Some models (so the Althaus model) but see with increasing income from a melting of the Basic Income before. If the withdrawal rate for the basic income below the current withdrawal rate of ALG II, it can be concluded that there is a higher incentive to take up work in a system with BGE. Therefore it is possible also a promotion of the low-wage sector by the BGE.


In the discussion about the BGE very different arguments are passed into the field. This can according to humanitarian arguments that relate to the lives of people, and economic arguments in which economic benefits for the company are at the forefront, are distinguished.

The humanitarian approach

The basic foundation of a BGE is seen in the fact that it enables every human being to lead a dignified life. The BGE creates the precondition for individual freedom of self-realization with activities that are not paid less than gainful employment.

The social development have meant that only a part of the activities in the modern, market-oriented society was paid as work. Activities in the social sector, such as in the education of children, in the care of any dependent people (elderly or disabled) or in youth work, however, would usually not remunerated financially, unless these activities are institutionalized. The BGE worry here for a balance.

In addition, the stigmatization of unemployed, which is inevitable for a large number of people at a temperature in the system of unemployment attributable. A society that systematically take such a stigma unemployed into account, contrary to human dignity and the fundamental right to work. The BGE would lead to an improvement of the social security, enables participation, avoid exclusion and permit alternative life plans such as training phases, which interrupt the employment.

The BGE of the system is clear and create trust in the society. This results in increasing the individual risk tolerance. Self-employment and entrepreneurship and thus innovation and flexibility would be stimulated. The workers would self-assured and " glued " no longer at a particular location. The greater independence will cut down the internal competition, diminish bullying and improve the working atmosphere, with the result that negative stress and mental illness would decrease.

Götz Werner believes an unconditional basic income would result under the laws of free markets to the fact that so far poorly paid, but necessary work paid better, more attractive, or will be replaced by automated processes. For necessary or desired work widely appealing and rewarding work conditions would inevitably be created and sufficiently attractive or lucrative job offers were to be found in the middle and medium always enough persons willing to work. Consequence would be, therefore, a labor market that is based on supply and demand, however it will not give in today's market economy because of the obligation to work.

The economic approach

With regard to the economy is often argued that more than half of the population is dependent on the income of others or of social benefits in the modern welfare society. This situation will continue to worsen due to the age structure. At the same time the need for labor in the industry structurally declining further through continuous rationalization processes. A bond of social security at an ever decreasing base lead to pollution of the operating labor costs, increasingly deteriorating international competitiveness of the economy. On the part of the employer would drop by a BGE -wage labor costs and the marginal costs for new jobs; by the secured subsistence would take from the fixed costs of the employee. Therefore, it is assumed that the reduction of unemployment and the number of precarious workers. Furthermore, would also lower-paid work such as social, helping professions more attractive; the welfare state is thus better financed.

Often there is criticism of the current social system that it calls forth many of the costs through the red tape. This is, for example, necessary tests claim to certain transfers into existence. Therefore, a BGE reducing such an effort. The thus cut correspond costs could be invested, for example, in the financing of the welfare state and other state functions. Currently, this will also intervened constantly in the market economy processes and frameworks would remodeled, leading to inefficiency and social injustice. Therefore, would further simplified by eliminating incentives the tax system.

In 2011, in Germany per capita per year approximately 14,235 euros to government spending made ​​(a total of 1.162 billion euros ). For 2010, the social benefits in Germany totaled 761 billion euros (equivalent to approximately € 9,300 per capita). It was after deduction of all other charges in the amount of 30.8 billion euros the amount paid per share of 40.3% for the area of ​​old age and survivors, 40.1% for the area of ​​disease and disability, 10.9% for the area children, spouses and maternity, and 8.7% for the areas of unemployment and housing and general living aids.


To finance the basic income is usually a strong simplification and reorganization of the tax system provided as well as a much lower overhead and bureaucracy in the social administration as existing transfer payments would be replaced by the unconditional basic income. Unemployment benefits, social assistance, pensions, education grants, child support and other benefits would be progressively replaced and eventually disappear.

To finance there are two dominant modeling approaches: Taxation of income or taxation of consumption. A third approach designed the BGE as equal distribution of natural wealth, as implemented for example in the area of ​​oil in Alaska.

Taxation of income

These models work similarly to the negative income tax, which would be taxed differently than the transfer limit income ( lower). Income would remain " subsidized " and it would provide an incentive to come over the transfer limit in order to pay less tax. Funding for the basic income would be based on the revenue side of the transfer limit. The basic income would be offset against the income, and the income would remain taxable. The basis for the financing would thus primarily the income tax.

  • The unconditional basic income after Ulmer transfer limits model would basically paid to all citizens in the amount of the fixed by the legislature subsistence. The citizen's income would be financed revenue neutral from a citizen's income tax. This tax, which would then be collected in a PAYG system would be a fixed percentage of gross income.
  • The former Prime Minister of Thuringia Dieter Althaus calls for a solidarity citizen's income called unconditional basic income of 800 euros gross for each ( less 200 euros for a basic health insurance). All government transfer payments are to be bundled with it. Connected is the concept with an extensive redesign ( " regime change ") in the tax and social policy. After Althaus model the state would arise after giving Althaus annual costs of 583 billion euros. Today's welfare system costs as specified by Althaus the state currently 735 billion euros per year. Thus an unconditional basic income after Althaus would be cheaper in the long term for the state than the present system. However, the abolition of the state pension is provided therein, so until the end of their previously acquired pension claims higher costs would be expected. A study conducted by Michael Opielka and Wolfgang Strictly -Kuhn for the Konrad -Adenauer -Stiftung study was to determine the concept of Althaus is financed.
  • At the state convention of the Alliance 90/The Greens in Baden- Württemberg in October 2007, the decision to introduce a basic income fell in the amount of 420 euros in the form of a negative income tax. This base basic income would be linked to no consideration. In need of additional housing costs are to be taken, on the same basis as is currently the unemployment benefit II

Taxation of consumption

In the model developed by Götz Werner model would income tax / income tax and social accounts, which is why each gross income would be paid out as net income. In this model, the basic income is funded by a sales tax that is in lieu of all other previously collected taxes and social security contributions.

Götz Werner starts from the premise that the tax burden would not be greater by a change from income to consumption tax, but basically remain the same, as all taxes, including income related taxes in the corporate sector, are currently included hidden in the prices. The current tax system is, according to Werner, a relic of the past and needed to be fundamentally changed for the launch of its BGE model. 'll Aim a basic income at the level of a culture grade levels, were currently € 1,000 per month in the conversation. Should be achieved through several stages by a gradual increase in VAT. What is the basic income but actually the round will be, is a matter of social consensus. Due to the required sales tax rate of 100 % to the net prices, real prices would not rise. Even today, were all duties and taxes that would be levied during the production of a product or service included in the price ( the government's share in the Federal Republic is located in the last few years at 50 %). Götz Werner argued that these taxes at a conversion would be removed gradually, so that the net price decline. Through impact of VAT it would come back to the original price. The purchasing power thus would remain the same.

Some figures on this, so you can imagine to what magnitude it goes:

  • With around 82 million inhabitants, is a basic income of 1,000 € / month incurs costs of about 1,000 billion euros per year
  • The total tax revenue of the state (federal, state, local ) be currently (2012 ) € 600 billion (Source: Ministry of Finance, tax estimate in October 2012 ). Those are results of € 186 billion from income tax and gifted Income Tax
  • The revenues of the social security amount to around € 550 billion (Source: Social Report 2011 of the Federal Government )

Since the tax revenues and social security contributions eliminated first of all ( and be replaced by a consumption tax ) are using this consumption tax for a total of ( 1000 600 550 =) to finance € 2,150 billion. Currently, the sales tax revenues amount to approximately 190 billion - to fund 2,160 billion, the sales tax would therefore be around 11 to 12 times higher than today. Are entered, however, the BGE with the pensions of currently about 17 million retirees and retirees who about 16 million children in mind with a half-rate (500 € ) and offset 100 billion from the 131- billion - euro budget the BMA, one arrives at a total cost of approximately € 600 billion. The above calculation results by offsetting the wage and income tax revenue then (600 186 550 =) around € 1,340 billion. This would correspond to a factor of 7, ie, a 133 -percent VAT. Restricted considered in the whole statement, the savings through the elimination of tens of thousands of jobs at the Federal Employment Agency, the social insurance, social services and child support funds, etc.

Would this model no export duties or taxes levied, then exported goods would thus considerably cheaper:

Legal situation in Germany

Under current law, is in the Federal Republic no statutory right to a basic income (see Status Teaching: Status Positivus ). But people who are unable, for example, because of physical or mental disability, to develop personally and socially, have a legal entitlement to a State basic existential fuse, to ensure a minimum guaranteed a socio- cultural subsistence.

Approaches to introducing


Between 1964 and 1973 there was in Cuba the period of the " historic salary ". There was a special order of society, which included the compulsion to work and the centrally controlled distribution of the necessary labor and the abolition of the financial incentive to work. For some scientists this is so is contrary to the BGE.

The pre-revolutionary Cuba was economically one of the strongest countries in Latin America. The social division of society, however, was extremely large. While the Latin American average, the income of the poorest 20 % of the population was 3.4 % of total income, the same population group arrived in Cuba only to 2.1%. A day laborer in the sugar harvest had often only three months a year regular work.

After the victory of the revolution in Cuba you put there in the early 1960s, the economic and social system completely around. Agriculture and industry have been largely nationalized. There was a standardization of wages, which were no longer dependent on the quality and quantity of work done. Material incentives were considered, in the spirit of Che Guevara as a " capitalist". These should be replaced by moral stimuli as a work incentive. Each Cubans had a legal right to a job and thus a - at first - adequate income. In addition, the range of free services has been greatly expanded. Transport, electricity and telephone were now free, and the rents had only a token amount. Although wages so that was not a compensation for a job well done more, but one coupled to the formal recording of a work " basic income from the character of the social dividend" was, did not make it from the wage term.

Consequence of these developments was a rapid decline in labor productivity. State-fixed prices ensured that the production of the goods was often significantly more expensive than the sale proceeds. Add the sugar harvest more and more people were needed to reap the same harvest result. It came to the strong decrease of the total production in industry and agriculture, which led to a sharp supply crisis that lasts sometimes up today.

Since this type of basic income was linked to the formal condition of receiving a job, it did not come to a massive absenteeism. However, had to be found in retrospective studies suggest that declining labor productivity of the main problems was for the misery. The hope that " freed from the exploitation Cubans, instead of necessity to make gainful employment, would you give by choice their best for the development of socialist Cuba, if you realize, and make them only the relationships and set a good example would be ", this was shown, for example, Che Guevara in the personal use while hitting from sugar cane, was not fulfilled.


In Brazil, the first steps for an unconditional basic income were implemented under President Lula. First, only the poorest were given a small amount, until 2010, the payments to the entire population should be extended.

Brazil has added to the Constitution in 2004 was the first country the right to an unconditional basic income. The law 10.835/2004 the right of all Brazilians is set to an unconditional basic income. We guarantee a governmental power for all citizens who live at least five years in the country. This is to cover the basic needs of food, education and health - regardless of whether the receiver is operating or has assets. A clause in the Act (the " renda básica " should be introduced " gradually " ), however, pushes the implementation on the backburner. So far, only the Bolsa Familia was introduced, a public performance for the poorest households in the country. This is however, subject to conditions and requires means-testing. Although the Bolsa Familia has now reached a quarter of all Brazilians, but many more need there is a lack of information and support from local administrations. Since 2008, the Brazilian non-governmental organization ReCivitas an unconditional basic income without exception or condition will pay in the small Brazilian village Quatinga Velho near São Paulo monthly to all recipients, in order to test its effectiveness in practice. Funding for the pilot project has been based mainly on donations. The basic income paid by ReCivitas currently amounts to 30 monthly reals (approximately 11 euros ) - for a year rich per person is therefore 130 EUR. The balance after four years: Up to 127 people at the same time took the basic income to complete. They invested the money in the improvement of their own living space, then in medicine for their children. In third place were different, income-generating activities.



By contrast, the often discussed in this context example Alaska, despite the unconditional nature of the payout from the Alaska Permanent Fund, which gets there every resident, no "real " unconditional basic income because the amount - from 1982 to 2008 an average of about 1100 USD per person and year - is not enough to live by far.


In Namibia, the inhabitants of the location Otjivero - Omitara received an unconditional basic income, which is called " Basic Income Grant " (BIG). The aim was to capture the effects of the BIG on poverty to occupy and the Namibian government to convince them of a nationwide introduction of a basic income.

From January 2008 to December 2009, the BIG -organizing in Otjivero BIG Coalition has about 1,000 registered residents of the village of a Basic Income Grant (BIG) 100 per month paid N $. The first semi-annual report is a summary in German translation, moreover, the detailed annual report 2008 in English. The project was (reduction of malnutrition, unemployment, number of school drop-outs and drop in crime ) on a private basis with a monthly payment of N $ 80 initially continued its positive effects. But According BIG coalition this reduced payment could only be secured until March 2012. The Namibian government wants the basic income is not currently implemented nationwide, what the initiators bring express their disappointment. Since March 2012, the payment of reduced monthly income from donations input depends which no longer allows reliable monthly payout.

At the very positive conclusions that have been drawn half a year after the project began, methodological and substantive criticism has been practiced in various ways.

The credibility - and therefore also the political persuasion - the alleged in the two evaluation studies developments and trends suffers inter alia on the following shortcomings of the project design:

Mid-2012, the situation in Otjivero, just after the deposition of the (reduced) BIG- payment, apparently not very favorable. Clemens von Alten, a journalist from the German Allgemeine Zeitung, reported in May 2012 of a meeting with the village elders of Otjivero, Serious Gariseb. He said: "For two decades, we are sitting here without work, development, perspectives. " Is the conclusion of the journalists. " Despite the support of the BIG any development in Otjivero can not be seen "

As for the material situation in Otjivero, Markus Wolff comes in an extensive article for the magazine GEO in a similar unfavorable outcome. But on the positive side, he sees the possibility that the BIG has strengthened an important in the local culture of the people of Damara social form of expression: namely, that you can give to others and thereby anchored in the community.


In Madhya Pradesh (central India), a regular money transfer has been in 22 villages, where there is particularly dire poverty, is provided. Without conditions, a monthly allowance of 200 rupees will be paid in the selected villages to each citizen and each citizen aged 18 years; for children and adolescents under 18 years old have the women's 100 rupees. 200 rupees correspond to about 10 euros when converted with purchasing power parities ( World Bank Atlas method ). So there is a partial (non- viable and participatory captive ) basic income. The use is up to the people.


The Government of Mongolia has taken initial steps to introduce an unconditional basic income. Similar to Alaska will the money from revenue from the sale of natural resources ( here: gold, copper line). The fund from which the payment is to be made has already been established, and the government has already agreed to the payout.


The Breuninger Foundation wanted to start in Germany in mid-2010 a field trial. These should be given in an economically weak region in Brandenburg for two years for a monthly basic income of 800 euros plus social security contributions 100 citizens in the economically strong Stuttgart and 100 citizens. However, the Breuninger Foundation could not perform the extensive media interest in defiance of the project because she failed to win the necessary funding partners. However, in 2011 succeeded the Breuninger Foundation, in cooperation with the State of Brandenburg, to call the project " 100 times New Life in Uckermark " to life, which is limited to the region of Brandenburg and in which the participants must continue to pay for their basic security itself.


On January 14, 2013 started 7 EU citizens a European Citizens ' Initiative (ECI ), entitled Unconditional Basic Income ( UBI ) - Exploring a path to emancipatory social welfare frameworks in the EU where the European Commission is requested the cooperation of the Member States of the EU to promote with regard to the exploration of an unconditional basic income ( UBI ) as a tool to improve their own social security systems. The collection of signatures ran until 14 January 2014. The further procedure in the EU Commission and the EU-Rat/EU-Parlament may be improved by mid-2014 extend until it comes to a final decision.

General criticism

The impact on the labor market and prices are completely predictable in any model of them, however, would depend on the suitability of the model. Proponents claim that acquisition work would not be reduced because people would be working on their own initiative or for additional income voluntarily and goods and services would continue to be produced and sold.

Opponents fear an unconditional basic income would mislead citizens frequently than currently to inaction, as the material incentive to join the labor declining (see Moral Hazard ). If material hardly worth especially for people with previously low-income work, among other things no longer enough people would find to perform low-paid and most unpleasant work. Critics also point out that an unconditional basic income could be an incentive to increased immigration.

The economist and former State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance Heiner Flassbeck says, with the BGE would be " a meaningless redistribution machine set in motion ." The real profiteers are high earners, which would not need it.

According to Gerd Habermann of the Association of Independent Entrepreneurs the idea of an unconditional basic income is based on an idea of ​​a State in which all could live at the expense of all others. The psychological effects are a strong decrease in the motivation to work, especially with the "Bad earners ", as well as the spread of an innovation- hostile " retired " mentality ( in economics this is called a political pension for income from transfer payments and a rentier economy in utilization thereof). The fact that the work does not go out, showed so-called full employment countries, from Switzerland to New Zealand.

Critics also point out that a high proportion of national income would be redistributed through an unconditional basic income.

" In the envisaged number of 1500 euros per month and thus EUR 18 000 per year, the unconditional basic income would amount to EUR 1 500 billion per year for 82.5 million German. However, the national income is only at 1 700 billion euros. Almost the entire national income would therefore distributed as unconditional basic income, without the people ever work for it. "

There are also many supporters of the concept in the left political spectrum, however, a debate on the basic income has ignited in this. So criticized the social scientist Rainer Roth, that the " unconditional basic income for all the interests of a minority " reflects. While more skeptical voices in the discussion of a basic income at least see the chance that this could lead beyond themselves, others recognize the basic income " not a step in the right direction, but a project about how to manage poverty better, so it can receive. "

Another point of criticism is the possible lack of the social aspect: If an unconditional basic income would just not checked the actual need of the individual. Every citizen would receive a lump sum, with which he would have to earn his livelihood, especially if he was unable to work. Had to decent survival in his particular case high expenditure necessary that exceeded the fee far, he might have no further claim on other social assistance. This would apply to the case where the unconditional basic income would be taken as stand base amount that could not be increased with special needs.



A private, submitted by Susanne Wiest, online public petition of 10 December 2008 to the Petitions Committee of the German Parliament to introduce an unconditional basic income, was signed until February 17, 2009 by 52 973 people. On 8 November 2010 a public consultation was carried out in the Bundestag. On June 27, 2013, the petition was completed without debate .. Also medially the basic income is always controversial.

  • The CDU is currently discussing a Commission the model of Dieter Althaus. The former CDU General Secretary Ronald Pofalla said in an interview that he considered the model for true visionary, because "any form of social bureaucracy " wegfalle: " No more forms, no means test ". However, a citizen's income could also cause people " to finally withdraw from the labor society ". The CDU - affiliated Konrad Adenauer Foundation, chaired by Bernhard Vogel keeps the concept of affordable.
  • SPD General Secretary Hubertus Heil Althaus criticized the plans for a basic income as a " set-aside premium ". People would be " labeled as useless" and " come to terms with money." Stephan Lessenich worked for the SPD - affiliated Friedrich Ebert Foundation, a study on basic income. The project group " basic income " of the Rhine Erft SPD developed a concept of a Solidary basic income with concrete ideas on financing and implementation.
  • In Alliance 90/The Greens unconditional basic income is intensively discussed. This always resurgent debate within the party has its cause in their fundamental values: freedom and responsibility. In the Baden-Württemberg state convention in October 2007 there was a clear majority in favor of a negative income tax to finance an unconditional basic income ( in the amount of 420 euros for adults). On the national party in November, however, the proposal of a Green basic security prevailed. It provides for a reform of the current system requires transfers tested with a comparable increase in the ALG II. 40 % of the delegates voted for the basic income. Nevertheless, several basic income elements in the decision of the Federal Congress include: the gradual introduction of a basic income for children ( unconditional basic child protection), the eco-bonus ( a basic income financed by environmental taxes ), a temporary basic income ( bridge livelihood security ) and for unemployment benefit II of the waiver of any financial penalties, the cause the income falls below the subsistence level. In the party, the Green Basic Income Network deals with the basic income. In it, several members of the Bundestag as the socio-political spokesman of the parliamentary faction of the Greens Wolfgang Strictly -Kuhn the women's political spokesperson of the Parliamentary Group of the Greens Monika Lazar and Arfst Wagner engage. In the electoral program for the parliamentary election in 2013 the Alliance 90/The Greens call for the establishment of a commission of inquiry in the German Bundestag, which will deal with the basic income.
  • The Left Party in the Bundestag has decided on the model of needs- oriented basic security. However, individual MPs continue to stand by unconditional basic income, for example, Katja Kipping, former spokesperson of the network basic income. Within the party, there is a lively discussion between supporters of the BGE and the means-tested basic security. In particular, the tendencies Emancipatory Left ( for a BGE ) and the Socialist Left ( for a needs-based provision ) emerge in the discussion. The federal and state working group (s) basic income of the party also deal with the BGE.
  • The FDP calls the " liberal citizen's income ", which is not unconditional, since it is paid only in case of need and willingness to work or disability (pension age, children, disease).
  • The Pirate Party calls for an unconditional basic income in the manifesto for the general election in 2013. The Berlin State Association of the Pirate Party has come out in October 2010 for the BGE. In November, the Federation also decided to push for solutions, " individually and unconditionally guarantee a secure existence and social participation, while preserving economic freedom and enable ". According to the party, this is possible only through an income in a money economy, this should be assured without any direct return. That this requirement includes the requirement of an unconditional basic income, but was rejected by Congress in November 2010, be adopted by a large majority in the port. On the national party in 2011 in Offenbach, the BGE was (not, however, in the basic program ) included in the election manifesto of the Pirate Party, but is under the condition of a referendum.
  • Among the smaller parties support ( 2006 as the first German Party), the party of the Mountain, The Violet, the Socialist Equality Party (PSG ), the party of socially just democracy ( PsgD ), the Liberal Democrats ( LD - the Social Liberals ), the Consumer Protection Party and the German democratic Party ( DDP), the BGE. The latter refers to their Bandwidth model as unconditional basic income 2.0.
  • Parts of attac, especially the AG Enough for All, the Basic Income Network, the Youth Office of Workers' Welfare, the Catholic Workers movement, the Federation of German Catholic Youth and the German Federal Youth Council support an unconditional basic income.


  • BIEN - - On 21 October 2002, the Austrian Network Basic Income and Social Cohesion, Austria was founded. It brings together renowned personalities that support the unconditional basic income, and organizes once a year a symposium and a network meeting. As an open forum was on 8 September 2006, the Round Table - Basic Income founded. It serves the networking of various associations, initiatives and individuals who strive for an " unconditional basic income ", and meets once a month in Amerlinghaus in Vienna.
  • The Liberal Forum calls for " unconditional basic income " in the amount of 750 euros per month for everyone. This is to be paid instead of previous social benefits such as child benefit, family benefit, unemployment benefit, unemployment assistance or pension.
  • Even the Communist Party of Austria leads an intense debate over the demand for a " unconditional basic income ". In contrast to the LIF in such a basic income but the CPA provides an important measure for the redistribution of social wealth which is to be accompanied by a fiscal turnaround.
  • The basic security model of the Greens to protect against poverty and is demand-driven and tied to " willingness to work ", that is not unconditional. The height of the level has therefore to be based at least on the poverty of the research as " poverty threshold " prestigious value of 60% of the median income. This amount (2005 for 834 euros ) have to achieve basic security and housing benefit together at least.
  • The KPO Vienna has declared the unconditional basic income at their national conference on 24 November 2012 as the major goal of their political work. In the realization of a BGE - " people based in sustainable livelihoods height for all who live here " - sees the party a possible first step towards a society based on solidarity, but it should be a more in-depth debate in all sectors of the population needed.
  • The Pirate Party of Austria also calls for the BGE. In the Liquid Feedback Instance voted on the concrete model with a majority of 82%. Christopher Clay ( BV ) results as a comment from that there are many open questions that must not be negated, and much detailed work is necessary. The concrete model provides a payout for all citizens of Austria and upright people with residence permit. Except for detainees. Children and adolescents are also honored with a special scheme. This provides for the BGE thirds in direct payments, earmarking for children and youth care facilities and a savings plan.


  • The initiative basic income was founded in January 2006 by Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt and has its headquarters in Basel. Your goal is to make the idea of an unconditional basic income known and to determine the chances of success of a popular initiative in Switzerland. In addition, since the organization of the European Congress of BIEN in Geneva (2002 ) the club BIEN- Switzerland is active.
  • The alternative left wrote the BGE at their party's founding in March 2010 in their action lines fixed.
  • In October 2010, the SP Switzerland has taken the BGE in their party program.
  • The union Syna has 29-30. October 2010 pronounced at its Congress in St. Gallen as a first union of Switzerland for a BGE.
  • A Parliamentary initiative to introduce a BGE in Switzerland was rejected on 17 June 2011.
  • On April 21, 2012 in Switzerland launched the signature campaign for a federal popular initiative for an unconditional basic income. On October 4, 2013 126,000 certified signatures in Bern were submitted. The people of Switzerland will therefore vote on the introduction of an unconditional basic income.


  • The Unconditional Basic Income Luxembourg initiative was founded in January 2010. The idea of ​​an unconditional basic income is to be made known by means of events, such as the screening of the film " Kulturimpuls basic income ". Two publications by Alfred Groff for BGE in Luxembourg as well as two sites serve the same purpose.


  • The Spanish Parliament has a Committee shall be established to examine the pros and cons of a government-guaranteed basic income for all Spanish citizens. With the creation of the Subcommittee in the Parliament on 28 April 2009, which examines the necessity and possibility of a basic income, there is the chance that this social demand in Parliament and in a large part of the population is known.


  • Per person, an amount equivalent to U.S. $ 80 every two months paid, so $ 480 per person per year. More than 80 % of Iranians have made ​​the request.


  • On June 19, 2010, Dominique de Villepin founded the new party " République Solidaire " ( Solidary Republic). Villepin, President of the Republique Solidaire, 1 March 2011, published in the French left-liberal daily newspaper " Libération " a proposal for a citizens income. Villepin: "I propose the establishment of a citizens income. It would be an income that is guaranteed to all, in the order of 850 euros. "


Modern Times

In Thomas More's Utopia novel ( 1516), instead of the punishment of thieves proposed that all people of the country to pay a kind of living, to prevent theft.

Juan Luis Vives (1492-1540) developed the idea of his friend Sir Thomas More in his De subventione Pauperum (On the support of the poor, 1526) at a guaranteed minimum income further. In his appeal to the mayor and aldermen of the city of Bruges Vives did not argue with a principle of justice, but with the Christian-Jewish obligation to charity. In addition, he held a public welfare nature more effective than private charity. The required assistance, however, was coupled with Vives at the evidence of a willingness to work.

Thinking of Vives had later influence on the ideas of Montesquieu: " The state owes all its inhabitants a safe livelihood, food, appropriate clothing and a lifestyle that does not affect their health. "

Thomas Paine (1737-1809) developed his idea in a report ( Agrarian Justice, 1796), which was addressed to the Directorate of the French revolutionary government:

"It is an irrefutable fact that the earth in its natural, uncultivated nature has always been the common property of the human race and will be.

If the land is cultivated, it is only this increase in value, which will become a unique property and not the earth itself Every owner should therefore cultivated land, a land rent (I know no better name for this idea ) must pay for the land that he possesses. The ground lease that is proposed in this implementation plan, go to a fund. This fund every person the sum of 15 pounds sterling to be paid as a partial compensation for the loss of its natural heritage by introducing the landowners system upon reaching 21 years of age. In addition, a sum of 10 pounds sterling per year to be paid any currently living person from fifty years and to all other, whether rich or poor, if they reach this age. These payments are available to all people, whether rich or poor, instead of its natural heritage, to which every man has a right, regardless of the property he himself has accumulated or inherited. "

According to Paine the equal possession of the earth justifies an unconditional income for all, but no guaranteed income. Thomas Paine Spence criticized as too timid and called in The Rights of the Child (1797 ) the rights to use land and a community to auction and to evenly distribute the proceeds after deduction of the community charges.

Many reformers of the 19th century, such as William Cobbett (1827 ), Samuel Read ( 1829) and Poulet Scrope ( 1833) in England, spread it out so that the base is more of a guaranteed income scheme and no public assistance. The best known representative among them is the French writer Charles Fourier ( 1836: 490-2 ). In La Fausse industry ( 1836) Fourier established that the prohibition of fundamental natural rights - such as hunting, fishing, collecting fruits or to graze cattle on the common property - suggesting that the "civilization" to anyone who has no means of his needs to cover, a living owes.

Victor Considérant, a follower of Fourier, made 1845 a step towards a genuine basic income by emphasizing that when working a tantalizing thanks to the Phalanstère system means one needs to be able to provide a minimum income for the poorer members of society advance in the knowledge that they deserve more than the expenses accounted for at year end.

Published in 1848, the Belgian Joseph Charlier his solution of the social problem ( Solution du problème social ou constitution humanitaire ), which can be seen as a first approach, which includes a guaranteed basic income. Under the name of " minimum" or " revenu change guarantees " (later "state dividend" ), suggested Joseph Charlier, every respectable citizens, afford just satisfaction quarterly (later monthly ) financial bonus, the amount would be determined annually by the feds. Source should be the proceeds of the rights of use of natural resources similar to Spence. Private ownership of land was not compatible with this concept. In a later book, he calls this turning "state -dividend". This program, he argues, would the " domination of capital over labor [ End ]. Would this not encourage idleness? Doubtful luck for the lazy: they are only concerned with a minimal donation. The duty of society does not go beyond the assurance of a fair share of what is naturally available without cutting somebody's rights. Everything above the minimum must be earned. "

The contemporary of Charlier, John Stuart Mill, added to the second edition of his book Principles of Political Economy, add the following and took it to a demand by Fourier on an untested basic income:

" The skillful combination of all forms of socialism, and which is commonly known as Fourierism with the utmost objectivity. This system not considering the abolition of private property or even inheritances; on the contrary, they refer to an open manner with a - as a factor in the allocation earned by capital and labor. [ ... ] In the distribution is a certain minimum for the livelihood of every member of society - whether working or not - defined. The rest of the production is divided in certain proportions to be determined in advance using three factors: . Labor, capital and skills "

20th century

First concrete concepts for a guaranteed basic income were worked out example of Josef Popper - Lynkeus. In Austria the first proposal of Lieselotte Wohlgenannt and Herwig Buechele has been submitted.

From the 1920s, gained in Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand, the Social Credit movement considerable popularity with up to 20 % of the voting shares in elections in New Zealand and 54% in the Canadian province of Alberta. One of the key demands was the payment of a basic income ( National Dividend) to all citizens.

Erich Fromm argued in 1955 in The sane society (Eng. The Sane Society ) for a work -related basic income as an extension of existing social and justified this with the right to turn down a job for personal reasons without suffering hunger or social ostracism. Every citizen has the right to a living wage within the meaning of this Basic Agreement. The proposals Fromm can be understood against the backdrop of widespread debate in the U.S. and Canada. A prominent advocate of a BGE was Martin Luther King. There, the continued in the 1960s and 1970s debate reached its climax when U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967, who set up a commission that dealt with the unconditional basic income. There have been pilot projects in the U.S. and Canada, the putting into effect a negative income tax ( see Example the MINCOME in Dauphin, Canada). Although studies have shown that a feared decline in the supply of labor took place only to a very limited extent, a nationwide implementation was socio-politically unenforceable.

Milton Friedman took in 1962 on an idea by Abba P. Lerner ( 1944) and saw the negative income tax as an opportunity to simultaneously reduce poverty and reduce social welfare bureaucracy and abuse allegations. Friedman's concept itself has been further developed in a study by James Tobin in 1967 as a potential tool for social equality. This concept played a role in the 1972 presidential election in the USA demo grant under the keyword.

Richard Buckminster Fuller introduced in 1981 in his book Critical Path also considerations to an unconditional basic income at: unemployment is based directly on the technical possibility of ephemerization. According to the U.S. economist Jeremy Rifkin believes the work will disappear in the long term by the digital revolution. This was the question with which a man should earn his livelihood.

The French social philosopher André Gorz also meant that for centuries more and more work will be taken over by machines. The effected thereby increase productivity leads to the fact that even with increasing production less manpower is needed. The idea of ​​full employment will an illusion. Therefore Gorz advocated a basic income, which allows to live without working. Everyone get a monetary basis to realize themselves.

Implementation attempts

1967 was established in the USA under President Johnson, a commission to a guaranteed minimum income, as the eminent neo-liberal economist Milton Friedman proposed a negative income tax. After two years, the Commission's report was released, which consisted of entrepreneurs, trade unionists and public figures and unanimously spoke out for a guaranteed minimum income.

The report found little resonance. Citizens and politicians could not get used to the idea is to ensure all people a certain income. Despite the recommendation of the Commission believed many politicians, that the very idea of a guaranteed income would undermine the will to work for a whole generation Americans.

Nevertheless, there were from the U.S. government pilot projects to test the practical consequences of a guaranteed minimum income. To their surprise, it turned out that the drive to look for work, was not significantly weaker at the receivers.

In the 1970s MINCOME was a social experiment to examine the effects of a guaranteed annual base salary. The results were never officially released in 1977 after the abrupt end of the experiment.
