Bruno Ziener

Bruno Ziener ( born June 11, 1870 in Oberplanitz; † February 9, 1941 in Berlin) was a German actor and film director.


The son of a miner made ​​his debut in 1891 at the Municipal Theatre of Guben. In 1898 he came to Berlin, where he played at the Deutsches Theater, and later at the Lessing Theatre, at the German Art Theatre, Thalia Theater and at the Volksbühne.

Since 1913 Ziener stood in front of the camera and took over at first fairly significant roles. Several times he also directed. In the 20s and 30s, his appearances were limited mostly to a few scenes. He was seen for example in 1931 as a jeweler in the Hans-Albers-/Heinz-Rühmann-Film bombs on Monte Carlo. He was married to actress Amanda " Manny" Ziener.


As an actor

As a director,

Pictures of Bruno Ziener
