
Brüttelen (French Bretiège ) is a municipality in the administrative district in the canton of Bern Seeland in Switzerland. There is only one municipality with the same name, no separate parish.


Mayor Kurt Weber (2012 ).

The voter shares of the parties at the national elections of 2011 were: SVP 42.6 %, BDP 22.8 %, SP 14.4 %, GPS 6.3 %, glp 5.1 %, FDP 4.2 %, Animal Party 1.2 %, Jimy Hofer plus 1.1 %, EPP 0.7 %, CVP 0.5 %, EDU 0.1%.


Brüttelen is in the Great Marsh, a fertile area with almost black soil in the Berner Seeland. The neighboring communities of north clockwise are starting Lüscherz, Finsterhennen, Treiten, Müntschemier, ins and Vinelz.


The farms are mainly engaged in vegetable growing. Also, various craft shops as well as a wood trading company is located here.


Brüttelen is developed with a stop for BTI in the directions Biel / Bienne and ins.


In 1917 the until then independent municipality was merged with Gäserz Brüttelen.

Pictures of Brüttelen
