Century break

This list lists all snooker players who have managed throughout their careers hundred or more Century Breaks.

In snooker, a series of points that achieves a player when he is consistently at the table, without a foul play or miss a bag, called Break. A series of one hundred or more points per shot is called CenturyBreak. In a hundred or more such Century Breaks have so far brought 52 players.

The results from the very different periods in the history of snooker are difficult to compare with each other, as well as the number of tournaments ( and the associated opportunities to play many high Breaks ) differ greatly from one another. Until the late 1980s, high Breaks were also rare, because the defensive game was at that time as the more promising. The majority of the players in this list scored his Centuries, therefore, only after that time.

Nevertheless, this list next to the number obtained ranking tournaments and the ranking placement another clue to understand the different skill level. Some players have never won a ranking tournament, but on the other hand, managed more than 100 Century Breaks. So you also have a certain skill level, or at least continuous services. Anthony Hamilton, for example, located with over 200 Century Breaks reaching number 17 on this list, even though he has never won a ranking tournament. Conversely, some players were able to partly recorded a tournament victory ( they are on the list of winners at snooker ranking tournaments), but it is not (yet) a hundred Century Breaks.

List of Players

  • Place: Arranges the players after their number of Century Breaks. Case of a tie, the player is first called, has reached the 100 mark earlier.
  • Name: Lists the name of the player.
  • Country: Name the nationality under which the player is registered with the World Association.
  • Life-history: Denotes the date and optionally the player's date of death. The sorting is done on the basis of date of birth.
  • Quantity: Reports the number of Century Breaks, which has achieved during his career the player.
  • Years: Reports the number of professional years, which required the player to reach the 100 mark.
  • Points: Denotes the highest break, the player had achieved during his career.

Note: The list is sortable: the list by clicking on a column header sorts by that column, double clicking reverses the sorting order. By clicking on two columns consecutively can achieve any desired combination.

(Updated: March 16, 2014)
