Cinco Villas, Aragon

Cinco Villas is a Comarca (administrative unit ) of the Aragon Autonomous Community in Spain. It is equipped with 3062.5 km ², where 32,669 people live, the geographically largest district of Aragon.

Cinco Villas is located in the north of the province of Zaragoza, and is bordered to the west by the region of Navarra ( Roncal Valley, Lumbier, Sanguesa, Ribera Arga and Aragón Tudela ), to the south by the Comarcas Ribera Alta del Ebro, Zaragoza and Campo de Borja, in East of Hoya de Huesca and in the north Jacetania.

The five eponymous small towns are Uncastillo, Tauste, Sádaba, the current capital of Ejea de los Caballeros and the former capital of Sos del Rey Católico. In addition to these five, the Comarca includes nor the municipalities ( municipios ) Ardisa, Asin, Bagüés, Biel, biota, Castejón de Valdejasa, Castiliscar, Erla, El Frago, Isuerre, Layana, Lobera de Onsella, Longás, Luesia, Luna, Marracos, Navardún, Orés, Las Pedrosa, Piedratajada, Los Pintanos, Puendeluna, Sierra de Luna, Undués de Lerda, Urriés and Valpalmas.

Originally included the now belonging to Navarre enclave petilla de Aragón Cinco Villas.
