Fixing a Hole

June 1, 1967

Fixing a Hole (German: , [ I ] shove a hole ') is a song by British rock band The Beatles, released as the fifth title of the LP Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band on June 1, 1967. As a copyright holder Lennon / McCartney are given.


The recordings for this Paul McCartney composition found on 9 February 1967 in London's Regent Sound Studios and on 21 February 1967 in the Abbey Road Studios instead. The Beatles were forced on 9 February, to work for the first time since her contract signing with Parlophone in another studio, as the Abbey Road studios were booked that day. George Martin played a harpsichord during recording. The distorted and shrill sound of the played by George Harrison guitar solo was achieved by an overdriven amplifier. With only two days of receiving this production was one of the shortest on the album.

It was taken the cliché, this song refers to repairs McCartney at his farm in Scotland. Later, it was claimed, Fixing a Hole RELATES of heroin. Paul McCartney said this is a song against the attitude of self-righteous philistine who complained about idleness.
