Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert

God Help Heinrich Schubert, since 1853 Schubert ( born April 26, 1780 in Hohenstein, † July 1, 1860 in Laufzorn in Munich) was a German physician, naturalist, and natural philosopher, mystic romanticism. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " thrust. ".


He first began to study theology, but switched to medicine in 1801 and was subsequently settled as a practicing physician in Altenburg. He gave up his practice, however, and devoted himself in Dresden a free scientific activity. In 1809 he became director of the school in Nuremberg, 1816 educator of the children of Grand Duke Friedrich Ludwig of Mecklenburg in Ludwig 's content.

He held much acclaimed lectures on the dark side of science ( animal magnetism, clairvoyance, dreams). In 1819 he got in Erlangen, a professor of natural history. He read there, inter alia, on botany, geology, mineralogy and Forest Sciences and joined in 1827 the last time his residence since he was appointed as Professor of Natural History in Munich, where he found a bitter opponent in Lorenz Oken. He was head of the zoological collections zootomischen the Academy (now Zoological State Collection Munich) and as such successor of Johann Baptist von Spix. Schubert enabled young zoologists ( Agassiz, Wagler, Wagner and Perty ) to edit the material of Spix from Brazil scientifically. 1836/1837 he led an expedition to Palestine, where zoological and botanical material was collected. In this case, the knowledge was gained that there is a nearly 400 m deep depression in the Dead Sea.


He was interested in a religiously based overall interpretation of the cosmos. His principal work, published in 1814, the symbolism of the dream was one of the most influential books of its time, its effect on ETA Hoffmann extends to Sigmund Freud and CG Jung. Inspired by the romantic philosophers, Schubert tapped his disciples in reference to the traces of God in nature and in the human soul " erweckliches Christianity " of ecumenical breadth. He eventually became a successful conqueror of the late Enlightenment Through his synthesis of simple Bible faith and Schelling shear natural philosophy. In his 1830 published work The history of the soul, Schubert made ​​a last attempt, the romantic - idealistic natural and cultural philosophy of Herder and Schelling to undergo a total Christian interpretation.


Writings (selection )

  • The Church and the gods. Novel, 2 vols 1804
  • Handbook of Natural History. 2 vols, Schrag, Nuremberg 1813 ( Vol 1: Handbook of Mineralogy, Volume 2: Manual of the geology and the mountain customer digitized )
  • The symbolism of the dream. Kunz, Bamberg 1814 ed of 1862, digitized and full text in German Text Archive
  • Views from the night side of science. Arnold, Dresden 1808. Digitized, digitized and full text in German Text Archive
  • Biographies and narratives. Heyder, Erlangen, 1847-1848, 4 vols in 3 pts Vol 1 Vol 2
  • The history of the soul Cotta, Stuttgart 1830; Reprints: Olms, Hildesheim 1961; 2, very verm and verb. Edition of 1833
  • Natural history of reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, crustaceans, worms, molluscs, echinoderms, plants, animals and protozoa. Schreiber, Esslingen and Munich, 1890
  • Under God's shield. Francke, Marburg Lahn d 1986
  • Storms, sailing, South Seas island. Urachhaus, Stuttgart 1988