Hugo Award

The Hugo Award (actually: Science Fiction Achievement Award ) is a conferred since 1953, after Hugo Gernsback, the founder of the concept of science fiction, named Reader's Choice Award.


He is considered one of the most important awards in the SF literature and is awarded annually by the participants of the SF Worldcon, usually for works that have been published in the past year. Although the focus is on the science-fiction literature, however, the Hugo Award is awarded for works in the field of fantasy literature.

In addition to the Hugo Awards are given even more on the Worldcon: the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for best new writer. From 1974 to 1981 also also the Gandalf Award was presented.

At times, also a German version of the Hugo Award was presented.

The award ceremony from 1953 was originally intended as a one-time event. After a year's break, the award was given annually since 1955. So far three times: in 1996, 2001 and 2004, were retrospectively works that would have been exactly 50 years earlier turn, awarded the Retro Hugo Award. 2007 would have been able to follow this pattern again, since 1957, the Hugo was awarded only for magazines.


  • Title of the short fiction ( novella, novelette, short story) cataloged works (as is often the case for distinguishing homonymous anthologies, anthologies, collections and novels ) included "ordinary" in quotation marks and not in addition italics.
  • There are exceptions for stories that were published as a single book and are already so long that there is no danger that they will be expanded to the novel (compatible with the information in the Locus Index to SF Awards).

Best Novel ( Best Novel )

This category includes works with over 40,000 words.

Best Novella (best novelette )

This category includes plants with a length of 17500-40000 words.

First awarded in 1968.

Best Novelette ( best story )

The category includes plants with a length 7500-17500 words.

First time in 1955 awarded only irregularly, since 1973 every year.

Latitude 38 ° 54 'N, Longitude 77 ° 00' 13 W "

Best Short Story ( Best Short Story )

The category includes works up to a length of 7500 words.

First time in 1955 awarded.

A Chronological Reinterpretation of Two of Emily Dickinson 's Poems: A Wellsian Perspective "

More Categories

In addition, prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Best Related Book for books related to science fiction, fantasy, or fandom that do not fit into the above categories, such as literature reviews, biographies or photo books.
  • Best Graphic Story for a story in the form of draughtsmanship.
  • Best Dramatic Presentation ( Long Form ) for productions outside of the print media, ie theater, film, television productions, radio plays, computer games or musical works, with a minimum duration of 90 minutes.
  • Best Dramatic Presentation ( Short Form ) likewise with a shorter season.
  • Best Editor ( Long Form ) for those who edited the previous year at least four novels from the scope.
  • Best Editor ( Short Form ) for persons who have already published at least four anthologies, collections or magazine issues from the scope of which at least one has been released in the previous year.
  • Best Professional Artist for professional artists and illustrators.
  • Best Semiprozine for semi-professional magazines as opposed to Fanzeitungen.
  • Best Fanzine for Fanzeitungen with at least four editions.
  • Best Fan Writer 've released those texts in fanzines, internet or other best semi professional media.
  • Best Fan Artist for those who publish their pictures or drawings in the above media, but not for professional reasons.