
Municipio de Ibirapuã on the map of Bahia

Ibirapuã, officially Municipio de Ibirapuã, is a municipality in the state of Bahia in Brazil. The population was in the year 2010 7.956 inhabitants ( 2010 census ), which are called Ibirapuenser; as an estimate for 2012 are given 8,086 inhabitants. The community area is approximately 788 km2. Ibirapuã belongs to mesoregion Sul Baiano and the micro region of Porto Seguro. The distance to the capital city of Salvador da Bahia is 944 km.


The city had a 2008 GDP of R $ thousand 000000053950788.000000000053.950.788 with a GDP / inhabitant of 6894.67 Real ( about 3200 EUR ). The largest economic sector is agriculture with cattle rearing ( Nelore ), horses and mules. According to records of the JUCEB the city now has 17 branches and is located with 117 shops on the 218 rank of developed communities of Bahia. The largest employer is the local dairy P & L Davaca. Ibirapuã is the seat of a sugarcane refinery for ethanol production.


The average annual temperature is 23 ° C.


The town lies on the road BA -290, neighboring cities are Nanuque, Lajedão, Teixeira de Freitas and Medeiros Neto. It is divided into the districts ( distritos ) Vila Portela, Vila Capixaba, Juazeiro and the actual town center.


The first settlements occurred in the second half of the nineteenth century. The construction of the Bahia - Minas Railroad had many effects on the surrounding communities. In particular, the deforestation brought German settlers and adventurers from the nearby Minas Gerais. German settlers are popularly known today, mainly because they made the reclamation of the forest. In 1945, the village was given the name Bom Jesus and was later renamed in 1953 in Ibirapuã (whose translation of the Tupi - Guarani, hardwood is ). The new congregation was established by a State Act of July 20, 1962 from the sub-districts of the municipalities Juerana, Santo Antonio de Barcelona and the city Caravelas.


The city now has numerous educational institutions with 10 primary schools with 1332 students, 14 pre-schools with 289 pupils and a secondary school with 355 pupils. However, with the technology of the Internet are today through distance education courses, higher education courses of the population accessible.

Health service

Ibirapuã has since 1975 a private hospital with the resident until today Doctor Osmar Silva dos Santos. The hospital currently employs four doctors and is equipped with ambulances and an emergency room in the circumstances according to good.

Metropolitan Prefecture

Mayor of Ibirapuã:


The city enchants with its beauty and numerous waterfalls and the Rio Pato. Ibirapuã and rural surroundings organized for years a rodeo, where the most popular cowboys of rodeo be selected. Evening find numerous events with nationally known bands and the election of the Queen of Vaqueiros ( Cowboys ).
