Indalecio Liévano

Indalecio Liévano Aguirre ( born July 24, 1917 in Bogotá, † March 29, 1982 ) was a Colombian politician, diplomat and historian. He was from 1974 to 1978 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia, as well as 1978/1979 President of the 33rd General Assembly of the United Nations.

Liévano Aguirre received his doctorate in law, and the social sciences and economics before joining the Foreign Service of his home in 1946, he represented his country at numerous international conferences and organizations such as the GATT and the OAS.

In the 1960s he was elected to the Colombian House of Representatives, where he served until his move to the Senate in 1970. In 1974 he became foreign minister of his homeland, he also was appointed as Deputy President of Colombia, he came into office of the President more than once until 1978 was current when the respective incumbents to was not temporarily able. Shortly after the election as President of the UN General Assembly in late summer of 1978 Liévano Aguirre resigned from his ministerial office to be as Permanent Representative of Colombia to the UN in New York to the end of his presidential term. He held that post until his death in 1982.

In addition to his political career Liévano Aguirre was active in journalism; he published the newspaper E1 Liberal, was a frequent contributor to various newspapers and magazines in his home and wrote numerous works about the South American independence movement in the 18th and early 19th centuries, as well as biographies of the leaders of the movement.


  • " Bolívar "; 1974; ISBN 958-28-1252-4
  • " España y las sociales del Nuevo Mundo luchas "; 1972
  • " Los grandes Conflictos sociales y de nuestra historia Económicos "; 1962