

Lights Velde is a Belgian municipality located in the Flemish region with 8512 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2012).

Torhout is 4 kilometers (km) north, Roeselare, 9 km south, 20 km north of Bruges, Kortrijk 23 km south-southeast, Gent 40 km east and 86 km south-southeast of Brussels about.

The nearest motorway exit is located at the junction lights Velde on the A17. Lights Velde has a regional railway station on the railway line Kortrijk lights Velde Bruges and Diksmuide Furnes - lights Velde Tielt- Ghent. In the cities of Ostend, Bruges and Ghent keep on regional express trains. In Oostende is a regional airport and in Brussels there is an international airport.
