
Acinetobacter baumannii

The Moraxellaceae are a family of gamma Proto bacteria. Some species are pathogens of humans. Thus, Moraxella catarrhalis bronchitis, cause sinus infections and ear infections. Acinetobacter baumannii can, inter alia, Cause wound infections and pneumonia. Moraxella bovis in cattle is the so-called Pink Eye, a horn and conjunctivitis cause. Other species occur in the water or soil.

The family eponymous genus ( type genus ) Moraxella is named after the Swiss doctor Victor Morax ( 1866-1935 ), the discoverer of Moraxella lacunata, an official responsible for inflammation of the conjunctiva bacteria.


The types of Moraxellaceae are rod - or kokkenförmig. Like all Proteobacteria, they are gram negative. They are catalase -positive. Within the family, also cold-loving ( psychrophilic ) species occur ( genus Psychrobacter ). Some species can form capsules. They are aerobic, that is, they are dependent on oxygen, and chemoheterotroph. Flagella are not usually available, but some species can dramatically propelled by an " elastic spring mechanism ". This is produced by special pili. Examples include Moraxella bovis, Moraxella nonliquefaciens and several species of Acinetobacter.


The Moraxellaceae include the following genera

  • Acinetobacter Brisou and Prévot 1954
  • Alkanindiges Bogan et al. 2003
  • Branhamella Catlin 1970
  • Enhydrobacter Staley et al. 1987
  • Moraxella Lwoff 1939
  • Paraperlucidibaca Oh et al. 2011
  • Perlucidibaca Song et al. 2008
  • Psychrobacter June and Heym 1986