Övertorneå Municipality

Övertorneå is a municipality (in Swedish kommun ) in the northern Swedish province Norrbotten County, in the historical province of Norrbotten.


The community Övertorneå extends approximately 90 km along the river Torne älv, which forms the border with Finland. The river valley that is flooded in parts in the spring, is used for agriculture. The hills west of Torne are covered with coniferous forests älv. The Finnish municipality east of the river is the same name: Ylitornio / Övertorneå. The municipality consists of the following villages ( tätorter ): Hedenäset, Juoksengi, Övertorneå and Svanstein.


The traditional economic activity of the municipality are agriculture in the valley of the Torne älv and forestry, which forms the basis for the numerous sawmills.


About 15 kilometers south of Övertorneå is Hedenäset, an old church square, with an octagonal church built in 1740. Älv The Torne where it forms a delta landscape, because there earlier led the river into the Gulf of Bothnia.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Stefan Nilsson ( born 1955 ), Swedish composer
  • Cecilia Wikström (born 1965 ), Swedish EU Parlamentarikerin