Parable of the Friend at Night

The parable told by Jesus of Nazareth From pleading friend does prayer and answer to prayer on the subject. It was narrated only in the Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible by the Gospel according to Luke ( Lk 11.5 to 8 EU) and thus belongs to the Lucano special property.


Jesus tells his disciples that they should imagine that they went at midnight to a friend's house and begged him for three loaves. The three loaves were intended for another friend, who just visit in transit and they had nothing to offer to eat. Jesus states that the requested order the loaves friend would not refuse the - out of friendship for them, or even because of their intrusiveness.


The parable prefixed ( Lk 11:1-4 EU) is a scene in which Jesus teaches his disciples the Lord's Prayer. In the section after the parable of the pleading friend (Luke 11.9 to 13 EU) is about confidence in prayer. Through this framework, the theme of the parable is clear: it is about prayer and prayer. Jesus provides the interpretation of the parable in the subsequent section with also the same. The statement contained therein " Ask, and it shall be given you " represents the quintessence of the parable Represents the requests for the three loaves of bread is thus equated with the prayer to God.

Different interpretations, there are also ways in which the one described in the last verse of " intrusiveness " should be interpreted. Annette Merz suggests that this intrusion in the context of the ancient friendship ethics - to see - such as by Cicero: The intrusiveness - although not appropriate under normal circumstances in everyday life - whether as behavior among friends acceptable, since it is performed in the interest of had traveled guest, so to contributes to the hospitality to traveling this friend could be met; just as likely also the people pushing to God in prayer to be like a friend they ask for something and get rid of this not refuse them.

Artistic Desk

Various artists have the parable rezipiert, the most famous work is The intrusive neighbor ( 1895) by William Holman Hunt, which is exhibited in the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne.
