Peada of Mercia

Peada ( Easter † 656) was 653-655 under King of the Anglo-Saxon means fishing and 655-656 under King of the southern part of Mercia.


Peada was a son of King Penda of the dynasty of Iclingas that after the conquest of the territory of the middle Fishing 653 put him there as princeps (prince, sub- king). With Northumbria, actually for years a rival Mercia, a marriage alliance was planned: Penda's daughter married Cyneburh Ealhfrith the son Oswius while Peada Oswius Ealhflæd daughter married. Prerequisite for marriage was Peadas conversion to Christianity. Peada was baptized to 653 with his companions by Bishop Finan of Lindisfarne in Ad Murum (east of Hexham ). The missionaries Cedd, Adda, Betti and Diuma were given him for the conversion of fishing resources. The pagan Penda tolerated the quite successful mission efforts. This makes it clear that the territory Peadas was at this time in the sphere of influence of Northumbria.

In the year 655 the conflict with Northumbria broke out again; it came to the battle of Winwaed in which Oswiu was victorious and Penda fell. While the north of Mercia fell under the direct rule Oswius, he gave the part of Mercia, which lay to the south of the Trent, Peada as a rule. Diuma was consecrated in 655 by Finan of Lindisfarne and the first Bishop of Mercia means fishing. However, the exact boundaries of the diocese are no longer detectable. Together with Oswiu Peada began with the construction of the Cathedral of Peterborough. Peada reigned only a few months and was murdered at Easter 656, at the instigation of his own queen.

Oswiu then tried jurisdiction over all of Mercia to gain, but met with resistance from the local nobility, who. Below Wulfhere, son Penda, brought an action against the Northumbrians

