Roman Catholic Diocese of Yujiang

The diocese Yujiang (Latin: Dioecesis Iuchiamensis ) is a Roman Catholic diocese based in Yujiang in the People's Republic of China.


Pope Leo XIII. founded the Apostolic Vicariate Ostjiangxi with the Breve ex hac sublimi on August 2, 1929 from annexations of the Apostolic Vicariate Nordjiangxi. 1920 and 1921 it changed its name twice, first took it on August 25, 1920, names, Apostolic Vicariate of Fuzhou, and on June 1, 1921 Apostolic Vicariate Yükiang on.

On November 29, 1932, lost parts of the territory in favor of the establishment of the Apostolic Prefecture Kienchangfu. With the Apostolic Constitution Quotidie Nos it was raised on April 11, 1946 Diocese. 1990 Thomas Zeng Jing -mu was the secret bishop, who has spent a long time in prison.


Vicars Apostolic of Ostjiangxi

  • Casimir Vic CM (11 July 1885-2. June 1912 )
  • Jean -Louis Clerc - Renaud CM (19 August 1912-25. August 1920 )

Vicar Apostolic of Fuzhou

  • Jean -Louis Clerc - Renaud CM (25 August 1920-1. June 1921 )

Vicars Apostolic of Yükiang

  • Jean -Louis Clerc - Renaud CM (1 June 1921-5. January 1928 )
  • Edward T. Sheehan CM (January 29, 1929-6. September 1933 )
  • Paul Bergan Misner CM (10 December 1934-3. November 1938 )
  • William Charles Quinn CM (28 May 1940-11. April 1946 )

Bishops of Siping

  • William Charles Quinn CM (11 April 1946-12. March 1960 )
  • Huang Shu (1958-1970)
  • Thomas Zeng Jing -mu (since 1988)