
Showrunner (also showrunner ) is a term used in the American and British television industry term that describes a person who is responsible for the daily operations of a TV series and this leads. The showrunner is only the television and, where appropriate compared to the production studio responsible. Usually, a show runner, an experienced screenwriter, often also the one who came up with the concept of the series, unless the producing studio holds it suitable for this task. Usually the show runner has held the position of Executive Producers.

A show runner passes a television series for both business and on creative level and is responsible for the continuous production, in which the episodes are on budget and on schedule rotated. The show runner passes the Writers Room, which he shared with several tenured screenwriters plans to individual episodes and their relationship with the series sets, especially in serial told television series with successive episodes. He has the power of decision, in which direction the series developed. In addition to planning and in some cases writing screenplays, he has insight into every aspect of the series production. The showrunner is about a director and crew and has the right to the final cut. The show runner falls personnel decisions, taking care of the financial calculation of the series and plans the production.

Although no special training for showrunner exists, the Writers Guild of America offers a Showrunner Training Program.

The principle of the Show Runners was enforced by HBO. In the nineties, the cable channel put emphasis on in-house productions. As HBO was still inexperienced in this area, the show runners were given a free hand.

Examples of showrunner
