Glucose -6-phosphate translocase ( G6PT ) ( gene: SLC37A4 ) is called the protein in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of vertebrates, the removed glucose -6-phosphate from the cytosol into the ER. It is a transport protein. In the ER, finally, the last step of the gluconeogenesis takes place. G6PT forms in the ER a complex with the glucose-6- phosphatase, which plays a central role through its production of glucose in the energy metabolism. In humans G6PT is formed mainly in the liver and kidneys. Mutations in the SLC37A4 gene can to G6PT deficiency and this lead to by - Gierke 's disease.

The catalyzed membrane transport is:

It is an antiport.

As a key factor in energy metabolism G6PT target is for trials for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a work in mice has been shown that careful blocking of G6PT diabetes symptoms improved, while glycogen storage diseases were prevented. Downregulation of G6PT expression may be the mechanism for krebsabtötende properties of curcumin.
