
1986 ( March 31, 2013 )

Sørfold is a Norwegian municipality. The center of the municipality is the place Straumen.


The number of inhabitants is decreasing. 2001 still lived a little more than 2,352 people in the municipality, on March 31, 2013, only 1986.

The area of ​​arable land is low at 3.2 km ². Of the total area of the municipality ( 1,650 square kilometers ) are only 266 km ² to 150 meters above sea level. 141 km ², that is 8.5 % of the total throughout the year covered with snow and ice.


Husmann plassen Kjelvik is an old farm, about 56 km north of Fauske on the European road 6 located. From the car park a few hundred meters long trail leads to the homestead. The farm was inhabited from 1747 to 1967 and now serves as an open air museum. The original inhabitants were immigrant from Sweden seeds that kept reindeer as livestock on the farm. Since the Hofbewohner could hardly live off the land, the men worked as fishermen in Lofoten.

Part of the Sjunkhatten National Park is located on the territory of the municipality.
