
Žeimiai (English notes) is a small town ( miestelis ) in the Rajongemeinde Jonava, on the road Jonava - SETA. It is the center of the joint management Žeimiai. There are the Catholic Church Žeimiai ( built in 1906 ) and a chapel ( with 2 floors ), the main school Žeimiai, library, cultural center, clinic, post office (LT- 55066 ), Grange Žeimiai with the park. In the West, Lankesa flows. The Linden Žeimiai is a natural monument.


Žeimiai 1319 was mentioned by Maciej Stryjkowski ( 1547-1593 ) in the description of the Battle of Gediminas with the Teutonic Knights in documents. 1363 Zeymen was mentioned in historical sources. In the 16th century there was a school of reforming products.

Sons and daughters

  • Konstantinas Bogdanas (1926-2011), sculptor, professor, honorary citizen of Rajongemeinde Jonava
  • Edvardas Gružas (* 1949), jurist, former Police Commissioner General of Lithuania
  • Vaclovas Lape (1934-2009), politician and agricultural managers
  • Vaclovas Michnevičius (1866-1947), civil engineer and architect.