100 (number)

The hundred ( 100), also known as One hundred, is the natural number between 99 and 101 It is straight and a square number.


The German number word hundred or a hundred today, written like any number of words depending on the context, large or small. It was from the Indo-European root * - k'm. Tom formed, which in turn probably originally dek'm a formation from *. [T ] (ten) and was " ten ten " meant. The ending comes from a Germanic root word Ratha, the " number " means ( cf. Engl. Hundred ). From the number one hundred word there is the plural hundreds, however, the number in compositions indeklinabel (one hundred, two hundred, etc.).

The Indo-European original word is also in Greek ἑκατόν ( Hecaton ) and Latin centum (of which even the Roman numeral C) (one hundred times) and centi - ( hundredth part ) found as prefixes Hekto input in the German language. From the Latin centum comes also the denomination cents, which denotes the hundredth part of the base currency not only in German. Also, the talents, which consists of 100 pounds, is derived from the Latin root.


An outstanding significance of the Hundred especially in the decimal system, because, as the second power of 10 (10 ²) a "round" number is here. The in elementary school usually auswendigzulernende " ABCs " includes multiplications to 10.10 = 100

100 is also the sum of the first nine prime numbers, the first four cubes (1 ³ 2 ³ 3 ³ 4 ³ = 100 ) and a Harshad number.

In the application it is mainly expressed in the relative size relevant to the terms of a quantity is usually expressed in hundredths of a percent.

Natural sciences

  • Anders Celsius defined his temperature scale 0 ° as the melting point and 100 ° is the boiling point of water.
  • In the periodic table of chemistry is the atomic number of 100 fermium.
  • The class of centipede is in zoology, a subclass of millipede. Centipedes have 15-191 pairs of legs.

History and Society

The hundreds as one hand "round", on the other hand the life of a human -border number is in a social context is often a synonym for a very long time or a large amount, Hektographie ( " hundred ( times) tender " ), for example, called itself the usual duplication process before the invention of photocopy.

  • As Hundred refers to a military or police unit with a hundred or a hundred members.
  • As Hundred Years' War is called the Anglo- French conflict 1337-1453.
  • The Hundred Years' calendar was a famous compilation of weather forecasts in the 17th century of Mauritius Knauer.
  • The Hundred Regiments Offensive or Battle of the Hundred Regiments was a major campaign of the Chinese Red Army against the Imperial Japanese Army in 1940.
  • The Hundred Flowers movement was an event ahead of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
  • The Hundred Flowers, political alternative magazine (1972 )