10th Mounted Rifles

The Hunters Regiment on horseback No. 10 was a cavalry unit of the Royal Prussian Army.

Organization and association affiliation in 1914

  • Regimental commander: Major Berring
  • Foundation Day: October 1, 1913


By Most High - Cabinet -Order dated 4 September 1913, the installation of a total of seven additional hunter -to- horse regiments were ordered to five squadrons as of 1 October of the year.

To prepare the Regiment had to give 10:

  • The second Pomeranian Uhlans Regiment No. 9, the 4th Squadron
  • The Hussar Regiment " Prince Blucher of Wahlstatt " ( Pomeranian ) No. 5, the 5th Squadron
  • Dragoon Regiment " von Wedel " ( Pomeranian ) No 11 1st Squadron
  • Dragoon Regiment " Prince Albrecht of Prussia " ( Litthauisches ) No. 1, the 3rd Squadron
  • The Uhlan Regiment " Emperor Alexander III. of Russia "( West Prussian ) No. 1, the 1st Squadron

As the regiment garrison the city Angerburg was assigned.

World War I

After mobilization in July 1914, the Regiment Association was dissolved and the squadrons - divided into different infantry divisions - their determination as signaling and connection tab under.

There were:

  • The 1st Squadron for the 88th Infantry Division
  • The 2nd Squadron of the 2nd Infantry Division
  • The 3rd Squadron of the 37th Infantry Division
  • The 4th Squadron to 224th Infantry Division
  • The 5th Squadron to the bar I Army Corps (?)

The squadrons were used both in the West and in the East and retained their cavalry status at end of the war. In January 1919, the regiment was demobilized and disbanded in Angerburg.

The tradition later took over the training squadron of the 2nd ( Prussian ) Reiter- Regiment in Olsztyn.


The tunic was made of gray-green cloth with Swedish lapels and yellow buttons. Collar, advances and bonuses were bright green, the color lemon yellow badge. On the shoulder pieces there was the regimental number. The leather equipment was black. Officers wore the Kürassierhelm with Dragoon Eagle, NCOs and other ranks of the dragoon helmet. In general, the dragoon boots were used. The Bandelier was provided only for officers. (Since the envisaged when the statement of regiments for the teams Kürassierhelm - from blackened steel, but with fittings from Tombak instead of nickel silver and for the first seven regiments - were not available, these regiments were equipped with the dragoon helmet was not until 1915 was the. conversion to the originally planned facilities. )

Lanz Flag: White-Black
