16th century

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The 16th century began on January 1, 1501 and ended on 31 December 1600th In this century, in the early modern period in Europe fought the ruling in 31 wars for their supremacy. Many small principalities and counties suffered the ongoing political changes. The social structure between the nobility and the bourgeoisie gradually changed and sovereignty, as well as feudalism were weakened by lack of money. The rural population was troubled by labor services and fees. The absolutist embossed Catholic Church was materialistic. Due to the Inquisition and the sale of indulgences, Martin Luther found himself in 1517 led to write his 95 theses, they were the catalyst for reformations in all of Europe. Peasant revolts reached a climax. Founded in 1543 by Nicolaus Copernicus published his work De revolutionibus orbium Coelestium our current Heliocentric world picture. 1582 led Pope Gregory XIII. the still valid Gregorian calendar. In England, the second schism caused by the Anglican and the teaching of John Calvin. New faith communities have sprung up everywhere, for example, the Huguenots in France, the Presbyterians in Scotland, the Hussites in Bohemia or the Anabaptists in southern Germany. From 1520 to 1566 the "Christian West " was threatened in the First Siege of Vienna and only a tremendous effort of many states ended this. The Habsburg dynasty was consolidated in the Renaissance era and developed arts, medicine and other sciences. Humanism in philosophy became the leading role in the transition to the Early Modern Era.

Events / developments

  • Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses in 1517 strikes on the door of the Wittenberg Church.
  • First meeting between Hernán Cortés and Moctezuma II ( 1519)
  • Cortés defeated the Aztec forces under their leader Cuauhtémoc in the battle for Tenochtitlan and destroyed the city (1520 - 1521)
  • Martin Luther defended his positions before the Diet of Worms ( 1521)
  • Completing the first circumnavigation of the world by Juan Sebastián Elcano ( 1522)
  • Emperor Charles V beats the French under Francis I at the Battle of Pavia ( 1525)
  • The Turks beat Hungary ( Battle of Mohács, 1526), ​​and besiege Vienna (First Siege of Vienna, 1529) and Malta ( 1565)
  • King Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church ( 1533)
  • Nicolaus Copernicus published his theory of the heliocentric world view ( 1543)
  • The results of the Reformation to become rich legally recognized in the Augsburg Imperial and Religious Peace ( 1555) for the first time
  • Victory of the Christian Great Powers under Don Juan de Austria over the Turks in the Battle of Lepanto (1571 )
  • Culmination of the French religious war between Catholics and Huguenots in the St. Bartholomew's Day ( 1572)
  • The Gregorian calendar is introduced in many Catholic countries (1582 )
  • Victory of the English fleet under Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham over the Spanish Armada ( 1588)
  • The time of the great European witch-hunt begins towards the end of the century
  • The French colonize eastern Canada and founded New France
  • Price Revolution ( Europe)
  • Detachment of computing with roman numbers in Arabic numerals in the daily lives of Europeans (including through Rechenmeister Adam Ries )


  • Leonardo da Vinci, Italian renaissance scholar and artist († 1519)
  • Galileo Galilei, Italian philosopher, mathematician, physicist and astronomer († 1642)
  • Francis Bacon, English statesman, philosopher and scientist († 1626 )
  • Jakob Fugger, under him rose the Fugger one of the most important merchant dynasties of Europe († 1525)
  • Niccolò Machiavelli, Italian politician († 1527)
  • Thomas More, English politician and writer († 1535)
  • Erasmus of Rotterdam, humanist and pioneer of the Reformation († 1536)
  • Paracelsus, physician, alchemist, astrologer, mystic, lay theologian and philosopher († 1541)
  • Nicolaus Copernicus, astronomer († 1543)
  • Martin Luther, the reformer and founder of the Protestant Church († 1546)
  • Henry VIII, King of England and founder of the Anglican Church († 1547)
  • Ignatius of Loyola, founded the Jesuit order in 1539 († 1556 )
  • Charles V, King of Spain and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire († 1558 )
  • Ferdinand I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire († 1564)
  • Adam Ries, German Reckoner († 1559 )
  • John Calvin, Reformer († 1564)
  • Michelangelo, painter and sculptor († 1564)
  • Suleiman I, the Magnificent, Ottoman Sultan († 1566)
  • Michel de Nostredame, French philosopher († 1566)
  • Simon Marius, German mathematician, physician and astronomer († 1624)
  • Ivan IV, the Terrible, the first Russian Tsar († 1584)
  • Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland († 1587 )
  • Johann species, German writer († 1591 )
  • Michel de Montaigne, French philosopher, moralist and founder of essay writing († 1592)
  • Philip II, King of Spain († 1598 )
  • Giordano Bruno, Italian philosopher and astronomer († 1600)
  • Elizabeth I, Queen of England († 1603)
  • William Shakespeare, English poet and dramatist († 1616)
  • Miguel de Cervantes, Spanish novelist († 1616)
  • Mary Tudor, Queen of England and Ireland ( † 1558 )

Inventions and Discoveries

  • Pocket watch by Peter Henlein of Nuremberg